6.42 Firepower Enhancement
Quote:6.42 Firepower Enhancement
An activated, undemoralized leader may add his combat modifier to the direct fire value of one unit in his own hex. For example, a German leader with a combat modifier of 1 may increase the direct fire value of an INF unit in his hex from 5 to 6. Defending leaders in assaults (12.0) can add their combat bonuses to defending units even though they're not activated. If a hex contains multiple units and leaders, then each leader may add his combat bonus to the firepower of only one unit, and each unit may receive a firepower bonus from only one leader.
Scenario Setup- you have a leader with +1 combat modifier
- in an adjacent hex you have an INF platoon
Actions Taken- the leader activates to MOVE, and activates the adjacent INF to FIRE
- the leader moves into the INF hex and stops
- the INF uses the +1 combat modifier of the leader to augment Direct Fire power
Dispute- You can't use the combat modifier because:
- the leader isn't activated to FIRE (rebuttal: not explicitly required in the RAW)
- the leader wasn't in the same hex when the activation round began (rebuttal: not explicitly required in the RAW)
- You can use the combat modifier because:
- the only stated requirements are:
- the leader is activated, he is
- the leader is in the same hex as the unit, he is when the modifier is called for
What do y'all think?
...came for the cardboard, stayed for the camaraderie...