RE: 8.23 Special observation powers
I like the rule... though I think I have been using it incorrectly. I forgot the once per turn when using it for solitaire game.
Recon units tend to be higher level assets. They aren't usually tied to the unit that is behind them or on their flank. As an example, if the unit is a BN Recon asset, they report to the Battalion on the Battalion net. Other companies or organizations monitoring the network would monitor the report and the leaders of those units would annotate the enemy actively, changing their visualization of the battlefield - this represents crosstalk on the net. If anyone else missed it, it would be annotated by the Battalion Tactical Operations Center (BN TOC). The staff at that level would be analyzing the situation and making recommendations to Battalion Commander on if, when, and how to adjust the battalion's posture in order to address the changes in the operating environment.
The BN TOC would report changes in the situation to higher HQs and coordinate for additional resources from Brigade (BDE) level. This same process is replicated at the BDE, Regiment (REG), Division (DIV), Corp, or Army level - based on organization that the reconnaissance assets are assigned (belong) or are attached to. At these higher levels (operational) reconnaissance is typically feed into the intelligence systems and his pushed down as daily intelligence reports, or as part of the intelligence paragraph of operations orders to subordinate units.
This rule does a decent job of trying to lay out the commander's ability to prioritize reconnaissance efforts (i.e. the employment of this limited resources) and the more immediate tactical feedback that tactical reconnaissance units can provide.
I just wish all horse cavalry was classified as reconnaissance, because I believe that was also part of their tactical function on the battlefield.
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