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What is the M3/75 in La Campagne de Tunisie?
07-14-2022, 12:17 PM,
RE: What is the M3/75 in La Campagne de Tunisie?
The M3/75 in La Campagne de Tunisie is drawn from An Army at Dawn.  It also appears in Guadalcanal in USMC colors.

Per its library page, it is indeed the M3A1 Gun Motor Carriage, and is an open-top Anti-Tank Gun Carrier.

When I was researching it for inclusion in the library, one of the sources was part 2 of the three-part Daily Content Article on Tank Destroyers where it is mentioned specifically.  From all that I was able to find, the M3 was not considered to be a tank destroyer, but a gun carrier.  As far as I can recall, there is no real difference between the two in game terms.  The special rules section in An Army at Dawn does not mention the M3/75 at all, probably an oversight.  Likewise, it's not mentioned in the special rules for Guadalcanal.

I don't think it's specified anywhere, but I personally treat it as having inherent leaders, but NOT having armor efficiency per 11.2 (since it only appears in scenarios before 1944).  I also don't count it for double VPs when destroyed in scenarios where tanks are worth double.
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RE: What is the M3/75 in La Campagne de Tunisie? - by rerathbun - 07-14-2022, 12:17 PM

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