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Split results on bombardment table
06-18-2022, 01:03 PM,
Split results on bombardment table
We had a situation my opponent and I this evening and I have a question about how the CRTs should work.

I had an ATG and an INF in a hex under bombardment from 54 artillery factors. That came down to a 42 for the INF and a 55 for the ATG because of the +1 for target being ATG. 

My opponent rolled a 10 which was an X in both the 42 and 55 columns. 

His position was that that was an X for the ATG and an X for the INF as though it were two attacks. 

My position was that the fire mission was one attack and that the X should come off one unit (the ATG) but that there should be no step loss for the INF. If the ATG or the INF were alone in the hex, it would only have been a single step loss no matter how you work it out. So with both of them in the hex it was still just an X not a 2X.

This is a gamey question and I am good either way, but it was an interesting result and wanted input.

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Split results on bombardment table - by goosebrown - 06-18-2022, 01:03 PM

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