Bufla--The Anomaly of the Fall of France ...
The Bufla Unit counter has a Armor rating of "0"...(THIS IS NOT CORRECT.....The Counter provided in the game
actually does NOT have this Armor rating---Corrected by Author--see below....My BAD continue with your
normal programming....)
The 1940: Fall of France scenario book "special rules" call out specifically in "6.Open-Top AFV" that
a) APC are the only Open Top AFV in FoF
b) the Bufla is a -1, like a truck (even though they are SPA)
What was the intent of the specific Mention?
How did the Counter Art differ from the RAW?
So---Do we follow the Counter or the Specific Game Rules?
The Vehicles themselves look large, and vulnerable to DF/BF---much more than the M3 halftrack or SPW251 variants
you might compare them to, due to minimal (none) crew protection from anything but the facing gun shield.
(we are going with the Counter Art vs. the Rule set) even in the AVP article they use the counter art with a "0"...though
there were counter art (at one point) without an armor rating (PG-HQ archive shows both ....sigh...connundra....)
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