When developing scenarios that use Board 30, I assumed bridge artwork means units and leaders can cross the river in these hexes without using the river crossing procedure or paying the river costs. I also assumed a hex displaying a town and bridge were both a town hex and a bridge hex. You would thus get 2 VP if for control of 0713 if both town hexes and bridge hexes were worth 1 VP each.
I specifically listed 0716 and 0816 as bridge hexes in an upcoming scenario as I could not figure out if it should attributed to a single hex with a straight reading of the rules.
If you're playing Division Marocaine or Fall of France, interpret as above. If playing something else, I do not pretend to understand what the designer/developer had intended.
Writing rules is difficult, at least for me. I wrote the rules for River Fleets and Landship Cruisers and each page took roughly 15 hours to finalize. Crosschecking coherence with other rules takes a lot of time.
Just a word of warning to whoever takes the job trying to resolve all these little gray areas and inconsistencies when writing 5th edition.