RE: How many PG-HQ'ers are also GWAS/SWWAS players?
I would visit such a site on occasion. I am not much of a GWAS or SWWAS player, but I do like the system and play occasionally. I am, quite obviously, entangled on the land side of things. I still might be able to help a little.
As far as migrants from PG-HQ, there may not be many. Your best shot for an audience would be at ConSim. I there are a few WAS forums over there. I think I would call your site WAS Fleet Command, or something similar. Headquarters sounds too land based to me.
WAS Fleet Command could look a like PG-HQ. Your "unit" library will need to be structured differently, probably by class. Then you will have a problem with sub-version of individual ships. Something like Kongo class battle cruisers, with sub-versions of the Hiei. I'm not sure how often that would be a problem, but I have seen variants like that.
I wouldn't jump to a NaVassal Academy right off. The PG Vassal Academy is an unwanted and unloved child. It exists because APL wanted a gate-check on Vassal. I don't know what the online play feelings are at the company now. Probably not a lot softer. Personally I would like to drop the academy thing all together. There be a rush to download, the free loaders would disappear, and we could all get on with our lives. Your first concern would be to get a working Vassal system going, but share outside a trusted circle.
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