Forced unloading casualty query
Quaeritur: when unloading causes a stacking overload, can the owning player freely determine what unit(s) to lose or must/should the unit that "caused" the stacking overload be eliminated?
Suppose there is a GREN being transported by a good order tank in a hex with: (1) a reduced HMG and (2) a DIS or DEM gun.
Now suppose that, for whatever reason, the foot unit riding the tank is forced to unload in that hex (the other units still present) bringing about a conflict with the stacking limits.
Does the formerly transported GREN *have* to be eliminated or may the owning player choose to eliminate either the reduced HMG or the DIS/DEM gun?
Sorry for the post duplication (I also asked this in the "Tank Rider" thread) but thought this question more general - as it applies to any forcible unloading from a transport leading to a stacking overload - and thus worthy of a separate posting.