In case anyone is interested, here is a partial image of the Board 112 we used to test Counter Attack.
The map was drawn quickly in HexDraw; I got good enough that I could paint a map like the attached in one or two hours top. Printing the maps was not bad, $9 for a set of 6. I rarely had to print maps more than once after an early mistake.
Printing the scenarios was more expensive, typically $12 each time I printed them. I printed the original submission, and two or three additional times during the development / final edits process.
I also had to do counters at times - and thanks Peter for the great playtest counters you did for Maple Leaf Brigade - but in general I just used counters from other PG games if there were any with the same values as needed. I sort my counters by nations so that was not a big deal for me. Leaders were more problematic because I sometimes had to pull some from multiple games and can't say I sorted them correctly afterwards. I've been using the PG-Q leader selection tool for some time to avoid me having to sort my leaders.