RE: More home grown house rules
This next homespun house rule I call added fog. When making a fog of war dice role use the sum of the two higher die rolls as a moral check (MC) for the highest ranking unit (i.e. over all commander) for the side whose turn is coming up. If that units fails its MC then make a new initiative roll. If the side looses that initiative roll it in effect passes and looses that segment (a tie for this rule is considered a win). However that pass does not count in regard to making two passes in a row ends the turn in that it is an involuntary pass. The player does not need to do that if the other player passed on his segment. Note that if the leader is demoralized its moral is reduced by one and thus that leaders ability to win the next impulse is diminished. Finally, if that player has any saved initiative they can use that to counter a involuntary pass result.
[edit] This adds to the above rules to better reflect the state of the over all commander as his ability to Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act (ala John Boyd,s OODA loop).
One more rule. If a commander is lost then the next commander suffers a permanent +1 to his moral check in addition to any other additions due to having a move/fired counter of being demoralized.
If the initiative level is 0 then 1 is added to that sum of the two highest die in the fog of war role and that is used for the MC. Also, if the. over all commander has a moved fire counter an addition 1 is added to that sum (thus it pays to not use one's over all commander to micro manage local situations and leave him to looking at the big picture which in game terms means not having a moved /fired counter on him .
When making that initiation roll (as a result of losing that MC) if the commander is disrupted that would lower the initiative of his side by 1 for that roll and by 2 if he is demoralized (so it also pays to keep one's commander in good order as well, and especially not demoralized in that hurts both on the MC and the subsequent initiative roll).
The purpose of this over all rule is to further penalize a side that has low initiative beyond just the start of the turn but all through out that turn in that the side with lower initiative will more often loose those additional spot initiative roll. Thus there is this added fog reflecting a diminished command and control. Also it causes one to always be aware who is the boss in that one has to be cognizant of its moral level. Also it adds a bit more drama to the fog of war dice rolls other than does this turn end or not t but do I get my next segment. also the fog of war rule can hurt both sides but this rule just hurts the side that fails that extra fog condition and thus is forced to do an involuntary pass.