More home grown house rules
Here are some more of some home grown house rules for PG that I have been thinking of play testing. I haven't as yet tested them but plan to do so as part of my current test game for the hybrid interpolation rules that I described in my other thread. Now the impetus behind coming up with these house rules is that even though I consider PG to be the best tactical board game on the market (at least those I have played) it still is not perfect and might could benefit from a few additional choice house rules. And as i said in my other thread, I like rules that add chrome if that chrome adds to the narrative and doesn't clutter up game play too bad.
AFV house rules.
1. When an AFV moves and is fired upon by AT OP fire treat the direction it is moving as if it also were receiving fire form that direction (and hence may make it subject to the +2 modifier. I am calling this virtual fire in that it is not real AT fire but serves that purpose in regard to determining if the AFV That is to say if the tank is moving north and gets fired upon from the being fired on by real AT fire gets its +2 flanking fire bonus.
However, if that north moving AFV spends an addition 2 MP in that hex that it is fired upon (and declares that before any OP fire declarations) that it is zig zagging ether with a left face offset or a right face offset to its direction of travel, it can enter that hex using that zig zag motion where say it moves north by moving north east (or toward hex aide 2) then turns and moves in reverse NW =(i.e toward hex side 6 but in reverse and thus is still facing toward hex side 2) or vice versa and declare that it is moving with its face offset to the left of its direction of travel. Thus it is zig zagging east with forward motion and west with reverse motion all the while still moving north, or vice versa if it is offsetting its facing to the west .
And this is done of a hex by hex basis. So an AFV moving north (i.e across hex side 1 it could either movie directly to that hex adjacent hex to the north (via hex side 1) and thus that virtual fire would be from the north, (i.e hex side 1), or it could pay the 2MP and declare that its facing (while moving north) is either offset to toward the right and thus the virtual fire would be from hex side 2 or to the offset left and the virtual fire would be from hex 6. .
Also a player could move similarly and declare reverse motion (which would cost 2MP just as forward motion). So if the AFV is moving across hex side 1 using reverse motion the virtual fire would be from hex 4 and not hex 1. And if the AFV declares reverse zig zag motion offset to the right then the virtual fiore would be from hex 5 and not hex side 2 as for forward motion. Likewise, if the AFV delres revrse zigzag offset left then the virtual fore would be from hex side 3 and not hex side 6 as for forward left zig zag motion.
Thus and AFV in moving to the next hex has six facing option,
1. face the direct that it is moving (which does not cost and extra MPs, or
pay an extra 2MPs penalty and
2. move in reverse to that hex and thus it is moving in the direction toward hex side 1 buts its facing is toward hex side 4.
3. offset its facing to the right of the direction of motion and thus if it is moving across hex side 1 its facing would be toward hex side 2
4. The same as 3 but using reverse movement so that it is moving toward the direction of hex side 1 buts its facing is toward hex side 5.
5. the same as 3 above but rather offset to the left of the direction of motion so that it is moving toward hex side 1 but its facing is toward hax side 6.
6. The same as five but in reverse so that it is moving toward hex side 1 but is facing hex side 3.
Once the move ends all facing is no longer in effect for any other fire it might then reciive otehr than the normal +2 flanking fire rule against and no Op firing AT fire.
Now this may sound a bit complicated when reading through all this but is really quiet simple in that when moving an AFV on can either have it face the direction it is moving) or (by paying 2 extra MPs for that hex) offset the facing in any of the other 5 directions from ist motion in regard to defining where the virtual shooter is. One really doesn't (unlike the actual tank crew) have to worry about whether this is left forward or right reverse but merely needs to say which hex side the virtual shooter is shooting.
And BTW, for the purposes of any AT Op Firing it gets only one shot per hex regardless of how the AFV moves into that hex. And (obviously) an AFV can't use zigzagging movement but can do so and declare reverse movement (at a total movement cost of 2 MPs and not and additional 2 MPs). Also the AFV would receive its -1 for OP Fire as normal. partly canceling out any +2 it might also get for flanking fire.
So the way one could declare this is declare the extra 2MPs (if not facing in the direction of over all movement) and then point on the hex which the AFV would like the virtual shooter to shoot. Then any AT OP ire could use that direction to assess whether its gets a flanking shot or not for the movement into that hex.
I have more house rule but let me add them as subsequent post to keep these short.