RE: Friendly fire mods
Just bumped into this issue myself (only now trying out the 4th ed. rules).
9.52: If a hex is hit by friendly fire, resolve the bombardment fire attack against the friendly units in the hex normally using a new dice roll. If the firing artillery unit can spot the target hex, apply an additional (bold added) -1 column shift to the friendly fire bombardment. Apply other appropriate modifiers.
Bombardment Table: -1 friendly fire
I take this to mean that all friendly fire BT resolutions have an intrinsic -1 col shift for being what they are (the Table canon). To this, one also incorporates: (i) all other modifiers that would normally apply to any BF resolution and (ii) an additional -1 shift if the firing unit responsible for the FF can spot the hex being unintentionally hit.
So, for example FF against:
Two friendlies in a dug-in (clear) hex, not spotted by bombarding units: -2 to the BF col. (-1 DUG; -1 FF)
Three friendlies in a dug-in (clear) hex, not spotted by bombarding units: -1 to the BF col. (-1 DUG; -1 FF; +1 x3 combat units in a hex)
Two friendlies in an dug-in (clear) hex, spotted by bombarding units: -3 to the BF col. (-1 DUG; -1 FF; -1 spotted FF)
Three friendlies in a dug-in (clear) hex, spotted by bombarding units: -2 to the BF col. (-1 DUG; -1 FF; -1 spotted FF; +1 x3 combat units in a hex)