(10-30-2015, 11:05 PM)thomaso827 Wrote: but since they can already fire as a group if up to 3 arty units are located together, same hex or adjacent (my understanding), they don't need the leader to coordinate the fire.
Tom Oxley
That's not correct. On-board artillery in different hexes can only combine fire with a leader:
Units in different hexes may not combine Bombarding units stacked in the same hex may combine
their fire values without assistance from a leader. Bombarding
units in adjacent hexes may combine their fire values
only if a good order leader with a combat modifier is in one
of those hexes (6.41, 7.33).
(from the fourth edition but rule is the same in the third).
You may be confused by the rule on off-board artillery:
Up to three off-board artillery increments may combine into one fire value, but may not combine with on-board units.