The problem goes all the way back to the ending of easy credit with China in 2008, and the financial problems of downsizing from 17 to 1.7 paid employees. Laser cutting can be done in small quantities..die cutting jobs need to be done in volume to be cost effective, laser cutting doesn't go down in price with volume, but can be accessed on demand, yielding flexibility. Assume for instance that Burning Tigers has 400 pre-orderers going back to 2006? and Avalanche can only pay for 20 sets of countersheets per pay period. (THIS IS A HYPOTHETICAL EXAMPLE). If MB had to pay for 1,000 copies of the countersheets (enough for 400 pre-orders and a six year warehouse supply) they'd never be printed. Printing in small increments allows profit from new orders to finance the printing of outstanding orders. Hence also the unpopular practice of filling new orders ahead of pre-orders. Each new order for Tigers might pay printing for 3 already ordered sets.