The last pre-Year of PG game is now shipping...the sequence is now Pusan, Tigers, Tunisia Ethiopia. Liberation will be the final game released with 3rd edition rules. 4th edition is still under editorial review.
the thickness and solidity of the new counters in Liberation will blow you away. Don't know if the SoI blue version counters are the phoenix edition thickness, or standard. I've got an original white Israeli counter set....
Two of the German Army Tiger Tanks have errata, as they show a 5 Armor Factor value in stead of the a 7 like the SS Tigers and the other Tiger I Tanks in the series.
The game looks really nice but I happened to get one counter sheet where glue covered it, as it must have been at the end or the beginning of a run. AP said they would replace it.
Now that Liberation is seeing it way to our collective hands, it should be time to get this posted on PG-HQ for plays. Shad can you get the basics up on the site if someone sends you the key info? Others who are site admins can you get Shad the info he needs. I would help but my copy of Liberation is taking the "slow-boat" to my location.