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Saipan 1944 counters
02-03-2025, 04:26 AM,
Saipan 1944 counters
Hi everyone,
I’ve recently picked up a copy of Saipan 1944 along with the Mariana and Leyte expansions. The thing is, the base game comes with these awful laser-cut wooden counters, while the expansions use the traditional cardboard ones.
Also, the laser-cut ones are kind of blurry on one side...
Is there any way to get a cardboard counter sheet for the base game?
02-03-2025, 09:40 AM,
RE: Saipan 1944 counters
Send AP an email, those are the older 1st print counters. I traded in all my laser counters, for die-cut counters, for all games years ago, as I was never a fan of the laser counters.
treadasaurusrex likes this post
02-03-2025, 05:14 PM,
RE: Saipan 1944 counters
Thanks Jay, I will!

I bought a sealed second-hand copy of Saipan and.. what a surprise.. Confused
02-04-2025, 04:22 AM,
RE: Saipan 1944 counters
Así es como va, a veces, Que no?
Reconquista and PANISTA like this post
02-04-2025, 07:07 AM,
RE: Saipan 1944 counters
Yeah it does goes that way, when getting second hand.
PANISTA likes this post
02-05-2025, 08:58 AM,
RE: Saipan 1944 counters
If Old Boy at AP does not come through for you with new counter sheets let me know, might have an alternative for you, that is if you do not mind a little bit of DIY.  Or you could just play those games on Vassal.
treadasaurusrex, Reconquista, PANISTA And 1 others like this post
“We're Americans, you know what that means? That means our forefathers were kicked out of every decent country in the world… We’re the underdog!”
02-06-2025, 02:21 AM,
RE: Saipan 1944 counters
For now, there is no news —well, just News from the Front. Smile

I'll wait a few more days or ask again..
PANISTA likes this post
02-06-2025, 04:05 AM,
RE: Saipan 1944 counters
I've usually gotten a better response by asking on the ConSim APL support page.
pixatintes likes this post
... More and more, people around the world are coming to realize that the world is flat! Winking
02-19-2025, 01:48 AM,
RE: Saipan 1944 counters
Counters aside, have you thought about playing with Vassal? It is a good way for our dispersed community to get some play time.

I have 2 games going with guys in the U.S. (Illinois and Nevada), and with a guy in Germany and another in Thailand.
Schoenwulf, Reconquista, PANISTA And 1 others like this post
... More and more, people around the world are coming to realize that the world is flat! Winking
02-19-2025, 07:43 AM,
RE: Saipan 1944 counters
Good advice, Peter, and very glad to see you are campaigning on 3 continents.

Hope to see Pixatintes online in Vassal shared play, soon.

Throw high & low,

PANISTA and Reconquista like this post

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