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Remedial mines
07-09-2022, 12:44 PM,
Remedial mines
OK so the next in my long list of remedial stuff that comes up for me. 

1. Can you deploy in a minefield? There is no prohibition in the rules that I can find. 

2. If you can deploy in a minefield, can you dig in in the minefield? No prohibition that I can find. 

3. If you are demoralized in a minefield and subsequently fail a rally and have to leave the hex, are you attacked going out of the hex? You would be in Squad Leader but no guidance found here in PzGdr rules.

My situation is that I have deployed initially in a minefield at the top of a contour line with the hopes that it would make those hexes really hard to take. My opponent attacked with a tank and it became demoralized. On a subsequent turn it failed a check and ran. I did not know if we should apply the mine on exit or not. 

Our solution was to use a little blue language, agree to post here, and we played on.
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07-09-2022, 01:38 PM,
RE: Remedial mines
If there is not a rule which defines, constrains or prevents something, you can do it. That's my answer for questions 1 & 2.
Rule 16.61 specifically states units are attacked by mines entering a minefield hex. The end of rule 16.61 specifically states that units fleeing out of a minefield hex are not attacked.
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