RE: Cliff Hexsides?
The darkened sides are just a regular hill.
You can see a Cliff hexside on map 82, between 0903 and 0904. They look like a line of rocks on a hex-side.
Per the TEC: "Steep Slope. Some slopes are particularly steep, usually reflecting elevation changes of 40 meters per hex or more rather than 20. A Steep Slope is Elevated terrain and blocks LOS. Units/leaders add six hexes to spotting range for every 20 meters above spotted unit. -1 DF and -1 AT fire if firing unit is on lower elevation; +2 defender in Assault and First Fire if assault hex is higher than all hexes from which attacker entered". Not the best wording in my opinion as it does not clearly specify that moving from one hex to an adjacent hex that is 40-meter or more higher is crossing a steep hexside but that's the way I play it. For example, on map 29, moving from 0703 (0-meter) to 0804 (40-meter) is crossing a steep hexside, but moving from 0803 (20-meter) to 0703 (40-meter) is not.
Steep slopes also exist in if specified in the the "Others" section - typical wording would be "All slope are steep" - or by scenario special rules. These hills are not necessarily high (often just 20-meter) but they rose steeply. La Campagne de Tunisie definitely has some.
Hope it helps!