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Elsenborn Ridge
03-15-2025, 03:27 AM,
Elsenborn Ridge
To play on Vassal, I see the module and extensions. I don't see the Scenarios - and the Avalanche website only seems to sell the boxed set. Is there a purchasable PDF or similar of the book/scenarios available that I am not seeing on their website? Or is there an alternate source ?  Thanks.
03-15-2025, 08:26 AM,
RE: Elsenborn Ridge
Unless you can find something on eBay or the 2nd-hand sites, the functional answer is no.

One of the conditions for allowing Vassal support in the PG-verse, and for avoiding C&D letters to PG-HQ, is that scenarios are not to be published on the site or shared in the forums. APL holds the copyright, so them's the rules.
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... More and more, people around the world are coming to realize that the world is flat! Winking
03-15-2025, 01:04 PM,
RE: Elsenborn Ridge
Noble Knight has a ziplock version for $40 but shipping to Canada is always a bit of a crapshoot:

Someone in Canada on BGG put one up for sale 2 years ago at $45. Worth contacting them to see if they still have it. Shipping will be much cheaper and you might be able to talk them down a bit:

These two Canucks have it listed for trade. I'd contact them IIWY:

Good luck and welcome to PG-HQ! Big Grin
treadasaurusrex likes this post
...came for the cardboard, stayed for the camaraderie...
03-26-2025, 10:56 PM,
RE: Elsenborn Ridge
Now's your chance Octagon. Another member is offering it NIS in our PX:
...came for the cardboard, stayed for the camaraderie...

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