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Early war Schutzstaffel
02-21-2025, 12:59 PM, (This post was last modified: 02-21-2025, 01:00 PM by plloyd1010.)
Early war Schutzstaffel
The last game these guys appeared in was Slovakia's War. Right?
In publication, I mean.
... More and more, people around the world are coming to realize that the world is flat! Winking
02-21-2025, 01:19 PM,
RE: Early war Schutzstaffel
Will check and get back to you. I think that they are in Deluge, as well.
Miguelibal, OldPueblo, PANISTA And 8 others like this post
02-21-2025, 01:40 PM,
RE: Early war Schutzstaffel
(02-21-2025, 01:19 PM)treadasaurusrex Wrote: Will check and get back to you. I think that they are in Deluge, as well.
But were they published in Deluge? The SS counters did not come with the game, just the Poles who started in White Eagles.
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... More and more, people around the world are coming to realize that the world is flat! Winking
02-21-2025, 01:42 PM,
RE: Early war Schutzstaffel
I think the NKVD were republished in Slovakia's War as well.
... More and more, people around the world are coming to realize that the world is flat! Winking
02-22-2025, 12:58 AM,
RE: Early war Schutzstaffel
The point of my question in this thread is about the naming convention adopted for air and leader extensions in PG Über. That is leader and air extensions being renamed to conform to the latest game release of the counters. For example; Road to Berlin leader and air extensions were renamed to Fire & Sword.

I was thinking of Sinister Forces which introduced the early war, and less competent SS leaders. The rerelease of those (I think) came with Slovakia's War. Since I associate the SS more with "sinister" than with Slovakia, I was thinking that leader extension should keep its old name.

This also brings up the notion of renaming USMC leaders and USN air from Guadalcanal being renamed to conform to Atlantic Marines, and Japanese leaders from Kokoda Campaign, originally from Guadalcanal, to conform to Changsha Operation. Those are more of a technical observation and not really being considered, but there they are.

Does anyone else have thoughts on the subject?
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... More and more, people around the world are coming to realize that the world is flat! Winking
02-22-2025, 02:49 AM,
RE: Early war Schutzstaffel
Would it mess things up if we list them all twice?  I will probably always associate them with the titles of their first releases (one of the perils of getting older).

If that won't work, maybe list them under both names:  Guadalcanal/Atlantic Marines
02-22-2025, 10:16 AM,
RE: Early war Schutzstaffel
(02-22-2025, 12:58 AM)plloyd1010 Wrote: Does anyone else have thoughts on the subject?

 Ultimately the only person who absolutely, positively needs to know which extensions contain which items is you as chief maintainer. Everyone else can just click and download all the needed extensions for the game they want to play.

I never, ever look at the extension titles. I just grab the game's zip and import everything into Vassal and forget about it.

Maybe I'm extraordinarily lazy, but I'd bet most users approach it the same way I do.
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...came for the cardboard, stayed for the camaraderie...
02-22-2025, 10:51 AM,
RE: Early war Schutzstaffel
Except the "files" (if duplicate) can either be omitted OR replaced when down loading. This causes the duplicate files to be renamed to whatever the current name is (or not) and it is left to the "resident warrior" to figure out which is which and use them accordingly. This causes (Me, at least) a great deal of time is setting up a new scenario. Then there is the problem of the "Named Units" in which I didn't use the specific units for the Spearhead Division (Thought it wouldn't make any difference whatsoever.) and caused my opponent and I a couple of anxious, hair pulling minutes because our scenarios would not sync (Because I used the standard US Army unit set...) and I will have to use the U.S. Army standard units for when the reinforcements come in later in the game anyway. This type of minute' drives me to drink! (Just saying.)

I know you are trying to simplify but sometimes you obfuscate instead. 

02-25-2025, 12:09 AM,
RE: Early war Schutzstaffel
It seems that Plloyd and Shad do most of the heavy lifting for this site,  you should do what is best and easiest for you since you are the ones taking the time out of your day to do all the hard work. 
The rest of us will adapt, besides it is only a game, even those that constantly whine and complain should be able to figure it out.
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02-25-2025, 04:13 AM,
RE: Early war Schutzstaffel
That is the case. BUT... it is Lloyd that is a particular for things. ...and that is normal for a person of is talents. Just sayin'.


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