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transported 1 step unit
01-03-2025, 10:34 AM,
transported 1 step unit
Getting back into PG after years (decades) away. 

I have a single stepped unit transported by a full strength APC which takes one hit. Is the single step unit eliminated or not?

Where is the answer located in the rules?

01-03-2025, 01:24 PM,
RE: transported 1 step unit
Short answer, the unit is eliminated. APC's have only one step, thus if the APC loses a step, the unit it is carrying is eliminated.

The rule reference is 5.65:
If a transport unit is fired on, everything it is transporting suffers the same fate as the transport. If a transport must make a morale check due to enemy fire, make one roll for the transport only, adding the morale bonus of any one leader it is carrying or in its hex or an adjacent hex. If the transport becomes disrupted or demoralized or is eliminated, so does everything it's transporting.
Miguelibal, sagunto, Tankodactyl And 10 others like this post
... More and more, people around the world are coming to realize that the world is flat! Winking
01-04-2025, 12:11 AM,
RE: transported 1 step unit
thanks, i don't know what I was thinking. Should have been obvious.
treadasaurusrex likes this post
01-09-2025, 06:59 AM,
RE: transported 1 step unit
We've all missed things like this in the 4th edition rule book that needs more (and better illustrated) examples, revised organization and clearer writing.  I have to use the Beer & Jolly Foils house rules for simpler and more realistic play.
CavDo, OldPueblo, Tambu And 9 others like this post
03-04-2025, 06:29 AM,
RE: transported 1 step unit
A rewrite WOULD help.... so would a generally more simplified set of rules to begin with. (But, then again, that's just me.  Dodgy )

OldPueblo, Tankodactyl, PANISTA And 6 others like this post
03-04-2025, 09:42 AM,
RE: transported 1 step unit
Where might an interested party locate the Beer & Jolly Foils house rules, please?
Sonora, treadasaurusrex, CavDo And 7 others like this post
03-05-2025, 05:34 AM, (This post was last modified: 03-05-2025, 08:40 AM by Shad.)
RE: transported 1 step unit
Not sure how to send you a copy of the Southeast Arizona Beer & Jolly Foils (SEAB&JF) draft house rules on this platform.

I would send you the current set as an email attachment, but you're not in the PG-HQ player finder, so feel free to send me an email directly, or email the founder of the SEAB&JF: Treadasaurusrex, at either:

dickgunn.1942@ ---------- (ME) or
felipe@ --------- (HIM)

ADMIN EDIT - posting email addresses here is going to get you lots of new spam, unfortunately. I've sanitized them. Use a private message.
OldPueblo, treadasaurusrex, Miguelibal And 8 others like this post

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