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Field guns die modifiers
07-31-2024, 03:48 AM,
Field guns die modifiers
On field guns, you use the Direct Fire table to resolve combat. My question do you use the modifiers from the Direct Fire table or the modifiers from the Bombardment table for field guns?
I have been using the modifiers from the Bombardment table, due to range that field guns have as an advantage. I just can't see the reduction of fire power (1/2) for field guns at targets over two hexes away.
07-31-2024, 05:13 AM,
RE: Field guns die modifiers
If you mean field guns like this:
[Image: 1803-0.png?735420][Image: 1802-0.png?344667]
They fire on the Bombardment table and use bombardment fire modifiers.
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07-31-2024, 03:14 PM,
RE: Field guns die modifiers
In the introduction of Infantry Attack 1.0 (Second addition rules)
Artillery: Large guns that provide long-range fire support. In Infantry Attacks games artillery is not present on the game board (the artillery pieces in the game are termed "field guns"), but instead represented by "increments" that can bombard(9.0).
Along with the statement of 8.3 Fire Values:
A units fire value and range are printed on its playing piece..... Some units have fire values printed in outline white. This dates from an earlier edition of these rules and you may ignore the distinction.
Rule 10.0 Direct Fire:
Activated units withe Direct Fire Values (including field guns) may fire on hexes within range to which they can trace LOS. 

I take this to mean that any artillery piece, on the board are field guns and uses the Direct Fire table to resolve combat.
This differs from Panzer Grenadier rules.

Of course this may change with future games in the special rule sections.
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07-31-2024, 11:19 PM, (This post was last modified: 08-01-2024, 12:13 AM by plloyd1010.)
RE: Field guns die modifiers
APL mangled the 2nd Ed rules pretty well. However, they did not change the fire types.

The big thing that got left out for artillery is Open Sights missions. That is how on-board artillery and mortars worked, or they could get a bombardment mission, like the off-board artillery. You can still download a copy of the 1st Edition rules here.

One of the rules left out of the 2nd Edition is:
10.3 Open Sights Missions.
Artillery units with Open Sights missions (9.12) may fire at enemy units and/or leaders they can spot using the same procedure as for units with direct fire values (10.2), but they roll on the
Bombardment Fire table and use the column modifiers from that table.
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08-30-2024, 12:09 AM,
RE: Field guns die modifiers
I guess the proper way to interpret this rule is the following:

"Rule 10.0 Direct Fire:
Activated units with Direct Fire Values (including field guns, which are on-board, but have Bombardment Fire Values) may fire on hexes within range to which they can trace LOS. On-board Field Guns using Bombardment Fire Values use the Bombardment Fire Table."
08-30-2024, 01:10 AM, (This post was last modified: 08-30-2024, 01:13 AM by plloyd1010.)
RE: Field guns die modifiers
I'm not sure what your question is. The statement in the rule is the replacement for the 1st Ed Open-Sights rule, which I think was a little clearer. Oh well ....

I understand that there are going to be command issues. Artillery, infantry and cavalry are all sub-commands in this era, but I think the artillery branch is a little too restricted, especially with on-board guns.
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08-30-2024, 06:23 AM,
RE: Field guns die modifiers
I don't have a question.

You are probably right. Something like the old "Open Sights" rule should have been retained.

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