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Be on the lookout
06-13-2024, 10:46 AM,
Be on the lookout
There is an artifact in some off the OOB extensions. US_INF_1f, the full-strength US infantry image #1, seems to still be lurking in part of the system they should not be. Should they be encountered, let me know which extensions you were using.

There also seems to be a German captain who needs to be expunged. Let me know if he appears.
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06-14-2024, 06:37 AM,
RE: Be on the lookout
Yes, I have encountered this same problem playing Deluge online.

The US INF (1944-45 set) shows up if I play Deluge when using the latest Polish Army OOB, plus the newest Uber 4.3,  and I also have one or more, shared play copies of Spearhead, Invasion44, or Elsinborn Ridge scenarios on my PC's hard drive. The high-morale German Army Captain, only shows up when I do the initial setup, and then only I can see the piece. My opponent cannot, unless I attached a spotted, disrupted, dig-in or demoralized markers - and that is all they can see, - not actual unit counter.
chaco, sagunto, PANISTA And 9 others like this post
06-14-2024, 10:22 AM,
RE: Be on the lookout
I was able to do a little weird text searching. I found that these OOB's had the US_INF_1_f.png called in them.

OOB Austria Bundesheer 1934-38
OOB British Army 1939-42
OOB British Army 1942-43
OOB British Army 1944-45
OOB British RoyalMarines 1939-41
OOB Canadian Army 1940-42
OOB Canadian Army 1944-45
OOB Indian Army 1940-42
OOB Indian Army 1944-48
OOB Netherlands EastIndies 1940-42
OOB NewZealand Army 1941-42
OOB NewZealand Army 1944-45
OOB Polish Army 1944-45
OOB Polish Army 1945-51
OOB Polish Home Army 1943-45
OOB Soviet Guards 1943-44
OOB Soviet RKKA 1943-44
OOB US Marine Corps 1930-41
OOB US Marine Corps 1942-43
OOB US Marine Corps 1944-45
OOB US Marine Corps 1945-53
OOB US Navy 1941-43
OOB-Ldr Canadian Army 1948-51
OOB-Ldr Mongolian Army 1935-43
OOB-Ldr Polish Army 1939-40 vs Russia

That's 25. The problem has been removed and corrected extensions uploaded. No version changes. I wiil do some more extensive testing this weekend, but things should be okay now.
chaco, Tankodactyl, OldPueblo And 8 others like this post
... More and more, people around the world are coming to realize that the world is flat! Winking
06-14-2024, 01:12 PM,
Rule of thumb with new versions
... of anything.

If you have a game going and new versions of extensions or the modules come out, finish the game with the old versions. I think this is what is happening with the Polish army. When I applied the hidden units change, I also updated the image names to the current convention. What that effectively means is that the game is looking for the right images, but with the old name.

Finish up the games with the old versions. The use the new versions for the next game.
Sonora, chaco, PANISTA And 9 others like this post
... More and more, people around the world are coming to realize that the world is flat! Winking

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