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Gift promotion?
04-02-2023, 04:36 AM,
Gift promotion?
While it seems as though I am benefitting from a possible error in your PG-HQ "promotion" system, it DOES cause me a bit of a start... To wit: Up till now, "promotions" have been going; 8 (plays) to make Pvt. 10 to make PFC. 12 to make Cpl. 14 to make Sgt.... and so on (at least as far as I can predict.) Thus, while I was expecting to see 15 left for me to make SSgt, lo and behold my "remaining" games number but 11 until my next "promotion".

That can't be right.... is it? Now, I should let it slide.... but my penchant for neatness and order IS a bit upset here. I'd hate to think that I could "sneak in" a promotion with 4 less plays than anyone else. It goes against my sense of "fair play".

What to do?

04-02-2023, 06:19 AM,
RE: Gift promotion?
Man, you seem to be quite a honest grognard ! But you forget about field promotion which has no rule, really. Just be there at the right time ! In French, we also have « promotion canapé » but that’s something else…
04-02-2023, 06:54 AM,
RE: Gift promotion?
Ranks were based on unique plays of the number of scenarios in the original library. My guess is that it was a little over 1200 at the time. So the thresholds got set thusly:

Unique plays require for ranks at PG-HQ
6 plays, Private
12 plays, Private First Class
24 plays, Corporal
36 plays, Sergeant
48 plays, Staff Sergeant
60 plays, Sergeant First Class
77 plays, Master Sergeant
95 plays, First Sergeant
119 plays, Sergeant Major
155 plays, Second Lieutenant
202 plays, First Lieutenant
262 plays, Captain
333 plays, Major
417 plays, Lieutenant Colonel
512 plays, Colonel
619 plays, Brigadier General
738 plays, Major General
893 plays, Lieutenant General
1072 plays, General
1203 plays, General of the Army

I'm sure how many unique plays I have, but I think it is 101, based on how far I need to go for my promotion.

Keep in mind that there is only one unique play per scenario. There was a lot of noise about having unique plays spread across each side and solo plays, making 3 potentially unique plays per scenario. I'm not sure exactly how that ended up.
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04-23-2023, 08:37 AM,
RE: Gift promotion?
I see, it goes up 12 plays per promotion in the ranks I am going through at the moment. Thanks for the info.

05-20-2023, 11:42 AM,
RE: Gift promotion?
@leonard "we also have « promotion canapé » but that’s something else"

I had a promotion canapé at a cocktail party once, but it did not agree with me. I got gassy and felt sort of like I should have had the Chinese cream cheese thingys with the wonton wrapper.

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05-21-2023, 06:23 AM,
RE: Gift promotion?
A French delicatesse that is definitely not to be eaten!!
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