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Army at Dawn has only 1 Sous-Lt
08-20-2022, 10:23 AM,
Army at Dawn has only 1 Sous-Lt
I think I found another minor leader bug.  AAD scenario 2 calls for 3 Sous-Lieutenants, but there's only 1 in the Random Counters.
treadasaurusrex likes this post
08-22-2022, 12:56 AM,
RE: Army at Dawn has only 1 Sous-Lt
So it does. If you look at the physical counters and the leader list, there is also only 1 Sous-LT. Thus I contend it is book problem, not a Vassal extension problem.

The counter mix has 2x Lieutenant and 1x Sous-Lieutenant, and there are no Lieutenants called for in the scenario. Since that fits the command structure better and the available counters, that is probably what was intended. I suggest scenario errata.
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