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Recursing the navies
05-07-2022, 04:05 AM,
Recursing the navies
Long ago I made naval counters in the DIY section. Back then, the days of the  Guadalcanal Naval article and River Fleets, boats ships faced bow to the right. (This is also the case in River Battleships: Blue Danube, for you newbies.) In the rules, the bow was to the right side. Now that we have River Battleships, the bow is now to the left in rules and on the counters (except for Blue Danube).

Okay, so I did extensions for the River Fleets and Blue Danube. I flipped the river boat images to be compliant with River Battleships. Now I am thinking of my older naval counters. Should I flip the those images too? I was going to update the navel extensions to use the boat prototypes in the PG Über update in June. But I am wondering is the counter image update is worth the trouble, especially when it comes to LCI and LCI gunboat counters.

How many people are using the naval counters?
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05-08-2022, 01:42 AM,
RE: Recursing the navies
I used the naval counters when I played through Guadalcanal a few years back, but haven't used them in Vassal. Facing isn't a big deal, so probably not worth the effort if it is burdensome.
05-08-2022, 12:26 PM,
RE: Recursing the navies
I like regularity, but redos, or tech debt as we call it in development, has to go after actual fixes or new content I think. 

Personally I would point them all the same way and it would be the same way as the tank guns point.

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(the Vassal for GWAS Mediterranean specifically).
05-16-2022, 11:50 PM,
RE: Recursing the navies
I think I will change them at some point, mostly be because I don't like where the reduced strength lines are. I'll rotate the ship directions then. I wouldn't change the version number either as there is no change in anything functional. I wouldn't even need to edit the pieces through Vassal.
... More and more, people around the world are coming to realize that the world is flat! Winking

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