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Two Minor items on the PG VASSAL Module
02-15-2020, 01:51 PM,
Two Minor items on the PG VASSAL Module
On the turn record track, I find it a tad difficult to increase the numbers in activation, step loss and VPs.  I have to precisely click on the top of the number for it to increase, if I clack anywhere else on the number, it decrease.  So if I'm working through a bunch of number, if I move the mouse a tad and click, it will decrease.  It's doable but can be frustrating. I might be me though.... But maybe change it to left click decrease and right click increase?

In Preferences I checked "Use Combined Application Window," restarted and it does not combine the windows.  I'm used to using this feature in VASL so thought I would continue to use it but it does not seem to work.  Although after playing without it for two scenarios I just kick the controls window to my right monitor and keep the map only on the left.  For PG this might be the way to go.  But some people may want the combined window feature.
02-16-2020, 04:22 AM,
RE: Two Minor items on the PG VASSAL Module
For the increment/decrement problem, targeting there has always been an issue, even in the old turn track. I thought of target brackets (┌┐ and └┘) and triangles. They never really looked right, or just flatout ugly. There is a list of hotkeys. I thought those would have been clunky to use, but I still have it.

I know about the combined window problem, I've always be a little jealous of the PB/PL & SL/ASL modules. I don't know why I can't get it to work, I think it has something to do with how the map extensions work, but I haven't found it yet.
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