Movement of 3 or 4 on Japanese wagons? You have 4 in WM, 3 in NS. The rest of the world is 3, but then the rest of the world has a movement on 2 on HMG also. Are Japanese wagons just faster (driven harder?) than other wagons? Either way is ok with me, I just like to be consistent. I have already gone the the MP 7 trucks.
I have nothing to do with Wagon movement values and though there are some counter in Nihon Silk, none are in any game scenarios, so AP added them to the back of truck counters.
True, but WM introduced Japanese transport first. Accepting that Japanese trucks were under powered, wasn't difficult, because most Japanese vehicles were. Konstantin made Japanese wagons generic, as he did with the trucks. Jay seems to have taken a different approach, he has also disavowed the NS wagons. It does give the emperor's boys a different character, but the inconsistency creates the question. So should these wagons be 3's or 4's?