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Advice on good 3-player scenarios ???
01-01-2025, 09:41 AM,
Advice on good 3-player scenarios ???
Good evening, everyone.   I have a couple of gaming friends coming over for a weekend of gaming in a couple of weeks.   One guy has asked to play PzG so he can see how it works.   So, I am looking for any advice on some good 3-person scenarios if you all have tried this inthe past.    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.  

Oh, and a happy New Year's Eve to all!!!! 

Brad N
Miguelibal, Tambu, ACav And 4 others like this post
01-01-2025, 01:54 PM, (This post was last modified: 01-09-2025, 01:27 PM by plloyd1010.)
RE: Advice on good 3-player scenarios ???
If you are thinking of 3-way fights, there aren't any. If you are thinking of multiple nations or forces on one side there are options. A quick look at your library suggests you have a few options. Romanian/German vs. Soviets in Armata Romana, German SS/Heer vs. Soviets in Road to Berlin, Italians/Germans vs. British/Common Wealth in Afrika Korps or Desert Rats. You have several possibilities. Generally, different nationalities, or different forces within a nationality make good dividing lines. German militry branches especially did not get along.

Your biggest problem will come on the multi-player side, usually with who gets to take an activation. A way to decide that may be to let the player who got shot at last choose who gets the activation for their side. Generally this is the Formation Command as described in the optional rules. I would stay away from the CO option idea, unless someone is completely clueless, and understands that they are. (That usually doesn't last long.)
ACav, Tambu, sagunto And 4 others like this post
... More and more, people around the world are coming to realize that the world is flat! Winking
01-01-2025, 11:15 PM,
RE: Advice on good 3-player scenarios ???
(01-01-2025, 01:54 PM)plloyd1010 Wrote: Thanks!   Greatly appreciated.  Will take a look at those options and see what might work.  


If you are thinking of 3-way fights, there aren't any. If you are thinking of multiple nations or forces on one side there are options. A quick look at your library suggests you have a few options. Romanian/German vs. Soviets in Armata Romana, German SS/Heer vs. Soviets in Road to Berlin, Italians/Germans vs. British/Common Wealth in Afrika Korps or Desert Rats. You have several possibilities. Generally, different nationalities, or different forces within a nationality make good dividing lines. German militry branches especially did not get along.

Your biggest problem will come on the multi-player side, usually with who gets to take an activation. A way to decide that may be to let the player who got shot at last choose who gets the activation for their side. Generally this is the Formation Command as described in the optional rules. I would stay away from the CO option idea, unless someone is completely clues, and understands that they are. (That usually doesn't last long.)
01-03-2025, 01:29 PM,
Just for you
Not really, but inspired by you. We have a new battle condition called Joint Forces Battle. It is for scenarios with multiple nations or forces on a side. It might be useful in the future.
treadasaurusrex, ACav, Tambu And 10 others like this post
... More and more, people around the world are coming to realize that the world is flat! Winking
01-03-2025, 11:16 PM,
RE: Just for you
(01-03-2025, 01:29 PM)plloyd1010 Wrote: Not really, but inspired by you. We have a new battle condition called Joint Forces Battle. It is for scenarios with multiple nations or forces on a side. It might be useful in the future.

Cool additional search feature.   Just tried it.  Thank you for the heads up on that search option!
sagunto, Miguelibal, Dougal1951 And 5 others like this post
01-09-2025, 07:15 AM,
RE: Advice on good 3-player scenarios ???
Here's a copy of the current edition of the Beer & Jolly Foil's draft house rules for your consideration. Several of us have been assembling and play testing these for some time, now. 

These generally make for more interesting and simpler game play, at least in shared, online play.

[align=start]DRAFT PG House Rules Version 2.14                       8 January 2025[/align]
[align=start] [/align]
  1. Tank Leader Forward Observation
[align=start] [/align]
[align=start]Full strength, efficient tank leaders may spot for ALL artillery & air strikes in accordance with the normal spotting rules (8.0, page 19). Just as leader units may spot, this action does not require an activation. [/align]
[align=start] [/align]
[align=start]Nonefficient tank leaders may also attempt to spot for ON BOARD ARTILLERY ONLY by throwing a single die per attempt to spot a target. This action does require an activation. They spot the intended target on a die roll of 4-6. (Sources/Users – Goosebrown, Daedalus, Bugmaster, ACav, Capt. Chaos, CavDo, Sonora, Chaco, OldPueblo, PANISTA, NBGB, Schoenwulf, Sagunto, Miguelibal, Reconquista, Tambu, Tankodactyl, Tubac52, Col. Sonichu & Treadasaurusrex)[/align]
[align=start] [/align]
  1. Road Movement for Mechanized & Foot Units
[align=start] [/align]
[align=start]All FOOT & MECHANIZED units may move on roads at the rate of 1/2 of a Movement Point (MP) per road hex, just like MOTORIZED units. (Sources/Users – DaedalusNBGB, Capt. Chaos, Pueblo75, Schoenwulf, Tambu, Sonora, Chaco, ACav, Miguelibal, Bugmaster, OldPueblo, Wayne Baumber, NBGB, PANISTA, Col. Sonichu, Tankodactyl, Tubac52, CavDo, grognard gunny, Reconquista, sagunto & Treadasaurusrex).[/align]
[align=start] [/align]
[align=start] [/align]
  1. Standardized Movement for Mechanized Units 
[align=start] [/align]
[align=start]All mechanized units may move through clear hexes at a movement cost of only 1 movement point (MP) per hex, instead of 1 1/2. Add one to this cost if moving up, across, or down slopes hexes. (Sources/Users – Bugmaster, Daedalus, Capt. Chaos, CavDo, grognard gunny, Tambu, sagunto, PANISTA, Tankodactyl, Schoenwulf, ACav, Col. Sonichu, NBGB, Miguelibal, OldPueblo, Reconquista, Tubac52, Sonora & Treadasaurusrex)[/align]
[align=start] [/align]
  1. Firing Through or Over Friendly Personnel Units
[align=start] [/align]
[align=start]All AT guns, AFVs, Infantry guns (direct fire), Anti-Aircraft (AA) guns and HMGs may fire over or through friendly personnel units. In the case of HMGs, AA guns & Infantry Guns, there must be one unoccupied hex between any friendly unit that is being fired over and the targeted hex as in the current rule (10.1, page 24). (Sources/Users – Goosebrown, Tambu, sagunto, DaedalusReconquista, PANISTA, ACav, Miguelibal & Treadasaurusrex)[/align]
[align=start] [/align]
  1. Enhanced Anti-Tank (AT) Gunnery & Hidden Emplacement 
[align=start] [/align]
[align=start]Unless prohibited by special scenario rules, ALL dug-in, entrenched, or town- occupying, towed AT gun units and Self-Propelled AT guns may fire in opportunity fire (OPFIRE) TWICE just like tanks in the standard rule set. For example: dug-in, German PaK 36 (37mm); PaK 38 (50mm); or British 6-pdr towed AT gun platoons are therefore able to fire TWO AT shots per unit in OPFIRE situations. In addition, towed, or self-propelled, AT guns always begin scenarios in HIDDEN mode if allowed to dig-in per scenario special rules, or are entrenched, and/or town-occupying (please see Optional Rules for Hidden UnitsPlotting Position; Revealing; and No Hidden Units Specified on Page 37). (Sources/Users – GoosebrownTreadasaurusrex, PANISTA, NBGB, Col. Sonichu, Tankodactyl, ACav, OldPueblo, Reconquista, Sagunto, Tambu)[/align]
[align=start] [/align]
  1. Dug In Units are Automatically in Limiting Terrain in Desert Games Unless prohibited by special scenario rules, ALL units that are dug-in on slope hexes are considered to be in limiting terrain and are spotted if enemy units approach to within 3 hexes, or 4 hexes for reconnaissance units – unless they are marked with a spotted marker, see 8.22. 
[align=start] [/align]
[align=start]This house rule is a paraphrased return to earlier versions of the PG rule set and is available ONLY for scenarios in these games: Africa Orientale Italiana, DAK 1944, Afrika Korps, An Army at Dawn, An Army at Dawn 2[sup]nd[/sup] Edition, Big Red One, Blackshirt Division, Conquest of Ethiopia, Desert Rats, Dragon Rampant, Heraklion, La Campagne de TunisieThe Last Horse Soldier, Parachutes Over Crete, South Africa’s War, C&C V2, Carpathian Brigade and Corazzata. (Sources/Users – NBGB, Wayne BaumberDaedalus, ACav, Gambler1650, grognard gunny, Col. Sonichu, Miguelibal, Tambu, Tankodactyl, Capt. Chaos, ACav, CavDo, PANISTA, OldPueblo, Reconquista, sagunto, Sonora Tubac52, Goosebrown & Treadasaurusrex)[/align]
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  1. Initiative Increases
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[align=start]As long as a side’s Initiative level is at least ONE, as assigned by the scenario rules, or resulting from combat, this number may not simply decrease during play, but also may INCREASE by ONE, or more, based on any of the following circumstances:[/align]
  1. Once the opposing side’s step losses exceeds SIX and they are DOUBLE the friendly side’s step losses in the scenario, announce the situation and increase the friendly side’s initiative by ONE. For example; the friendly side has lost 10 steps and the enemy side has lost 20 by the end of game turn 5. At that time, the player with the higher kill ratio may announce this result, at which point, his or her initiative immediately increases by one.
  2. If a leader decapitation occurs when the senior enemy leader is eliminated, the side inflicting the decapitation episode may immediately increase its initiative level by one, even if it was at ZERO. 
  3. If a side receives reinforcements as specified in the scenario rules during daylight, throw a single die and increase the side’s initiative level by ONE on a throw of 5-6. This action is only taken on the turn that the reinforcements actually move onto the battle map.
  4. Initiative increases ARE CUMULATIVE, so it may be possible for a side’s initiative level to be increased by as many as THREE steps in the course of a scenario; however, each instance may only be added ONCE per scenario. (Sources/Users – Goosebrown, NBGB, Col. Sonichu, Tambu, tubac52, sagunto, Miguelibal, Sonora & Treadasaurusrex)
[align=start] [/align]
  1. The Friction of War
[align=start] [/align]
[align=start]For scenarios longer than 18 turns, divide the number of turns in a scenario by 2, and round up the result. This is the number of turns that must pass BEFORE the Friction of War begins. In other words, this is the Pre-FOW Period. At the end of this period, the individual players begin throwing 3 dice to determine if the turn ends prematurely due to the FOW as per the normal procedure (Optional Rules page 37). [/align]
[align=start] [/align]
[align=start]If at the end of the Pre-FOW period, a player’s side has an initiative level higher than his or her opponent’s, SUBTRACT the positive difference between the Higher and the Lower Initiative AT THE DISCRETION of the player with the Higher Initiative from each of that player’s FOW die rolls. This allows the player with the higher initiative the option of possibly ending a turn early. If the player’s initiative decreases, simply use the lower figure to determine the NEW positive difference before subtracting it from the FOW die roll.[/align]
[align=start] [/align]
[align=start]For scenarios of less than 18 turns in length, do not use the existing FOW optional rule. (Sources/Users – NBGB, Goosebrown, Chaco, Tambu, ACav, CavDo, Miguelibal, OldPueblo, PANISTA, Tankodactyl, Reconquista, sagunto, Sonora, Tubac52, Daedalus & Treadasaurusrex)[/align]
[align=start] [/align]
  1.  Initial Set Up Adjustment
[align=start] [/align]
[align=start]By mutual agreement, both sides in any scenario may increase the size and composition of the initial setup. The players agree on a figure, for example 30, which is the maximum number of additional combat fire factors (Direct Fire, Bombardment or AT factors, whichever is the highest) that a side may add. For example, if a player wishes to add an enhancement of 20 DF factors, he or she might add FIVE, 4-3 British infantry units (20 fire factors worth) to the initial setup force. In addition, for every 16 points of additional fire factors, the player may randomly draw an additional junior leader, e.g., Sergeants and Lieutenants, ONLY.[/align]
[align=start] [/align]
[align=start]There is no limit to the number of set up enhancement points that the players may mutually agree upon. The only limitation is the number of particular units included in the game’s counter sheet or in the PG library. (Sources/Users – Goosebrown, Tambu, sagunto, Cochise75, Daedalus, Chaco, ACav, OldPueblo, Capt. Chaos, Sonora, Tankodactyl, Tubac52, Miguelibal & Treadasaurusrex)[/align]
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  1.  Enhanced Air Support
[align=start] [/align]
[align=start]By mutual consent – unless prohibited by special scenario rules – additional air units may be randomly drawn by players on the basis of the historic timeframe and side involved in the scenario. This house rule is limited to a selection of games on the list below.[/align]
[align=start] [/align]
[align=start]A qualifying, single die roll is first required. Then the standard air attack procedure is triggered and thrown for the actual air sortie, as per the normal rule (15.11, page 32). The qualifying single die roll for the Axis powers occurs with an ODD result, and happens only on ODD-numbered game turns, e.g., 3-5-7-9, etc. The qualifying single die roll for the Allied powers occurs with an EVEN result, and happens only on only on EVEN-numbered game turns, e.g., 2-4-6-8-10-12.[/align]
[align=start] [/align]
[align=start]Time           Nation                 2[sup]nd[/sup] Die Roll for an Air Attack[/align]
[align=start] [/align]
[align=start]1939-40       Commonwealth       5-6 aircraft locates target & may attack[/align]
[align=start]1941-43       Commonwealth       4-6 aircraft locates target & may attack[/align]
[align=start]1944-45       Commonwealth       3-6 aircraft locates target & may attack[/align]
[align=start]1939-42       France                  5-6 aircraft locates target & may attack[/align]
[align=start]1943-45       France                  4-6 aircraft locates target & may attack[/align]
[align=start]1939-41       Germany               3-6 aircraft locates target & may attack[/align]
[align=start]1942-43       Germany               4-6 aircraft locates target & may attack[/align]
[align=start]1934-40       Italy                     5-6 aircraft locates target & may attack[/align]
[align=start]1941-42       Italy                     4-6 aircraft locates target & may attack[/align]
[align=start]1939-42       Japan                   4-6 aircraft locates target & may attack[/align]
[align=start]1943-44       Japan                   5-6 aircraft locates target & may attack[/align]
[align=start]1945           Japan                   6 aircraft locates target & may attack[/align]
[align=start]1942-43       USA                      4-6 aircraft locates target & may attack[/align]
[align=start]1944-45       USA                      3-6 aircraft locates target & may attack[/align]
[align=start]1939-40       USSR                    6 aircraft locates target & may attack[/align]
[align=start]1941-42       USSR                    5-6 aircraft locates target & may attack[/align]
[align=start]1943-45       USSR                    4-6 aircraft locates target & may attack[/align]
[align=start] [/align]
[align=start]The Enhanced Air Support house rule is available ONLY for scenarios in these games: Africa Orientale Italiana, Afrika Korps, An Army at Dawn, An Army at Dawn, 2[sup]nd[/sup] Edition, Black Panthers, Blackshirt Division, Broken Axis, Conquest of Ethiopia, Desert Rats, Dragon, Rampant, Dragons Teeth, 1940: The Fall of France, Fall of France 2, Elsenborn Ridge, Elsenborn Revised, Fire in the Steppe, Heraklion, Invasion 1944, Go for Broke 1,2 &3, La Campagne de TunisieKursk - Burning Tigers, Kursk - South Flank, Leyte 1944, Liberation 1944, Marianas 1944, Panzer Lehr, Parachutes Over Crete, Power of the East, Road to Dunkirk, Saipan 1944, Spearhead Division, The Last Horse Soldier, Marianas 1944 (Sources/Users – goosebrown, sagunto, ACav, Miguelibal, PANISTA, sagunto, Sonora, Captain Chaos, Tambu, CavDo, Tankodactyl, Col. Sonichu, Chaco, OldPueblo, Recpnquista & Treadasaurusrex)[/align]
[align=start] [/align]
  1.  German Assault Gun Activation
[align=start] [/align]
[align=start]German Army, turretless STG and Jagdpanzer units were typically crewed by artillerymen, Like halftracks, these units may be activated by ALL leaders, as well as Tank Leaders, unless prohibited by scenario rules[/align]
[align=start] [/align]
[align=start](Sources/Users – NBGB, Treadasaurusrex, Tambu, Daedalus, sagunto, Cochise75, , Chaco, ACav, OldPueblo, Sonora, Tankodactyl, Tubac52, PANISTA, Reconquista and Miguelibal)[/align]
PANISTA, Dougal1951, Tubac52 And 6 others like this post

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