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[Rules] Assault Combat dice roll of 2 or 3.
08-27-2024, 05:16 AM,
Assault Combat dice roll of 2 or 3.
I am confused by the following Rule on the Assault Combat Chart. 

"On "2" or "3"result, assault causes 2 or 3 step losses (respectively) to each category."

I understand the part about Categories a and b. What confuses me is that the Rule seems to be asking us to ignore the Assault Combat Chart results listed for a 2 or 3 dice roll and instead to apply the Confusing Rule triggering a 2 step loss on a dice roll of 2 and a 3 step loss on a dice roll of 3. 

Aggravating the situation is the fact that there are no Examples of Play in the Rules for Assault Combat. 

How do I apply the Rule? Thanks.
08-27-2024, 05:51 AM, (This post was last modified: 08-27-2024, 05:52 AM by Shad.)
RE: Assault Combat dice roll of 2 or 3.
Quote:triggering a 2 step loss on a dice roll of 2 and a 3 step loss on a dice roll of 3

I don't have Infantry Attacks, but on the assumption the chart is the same format as PG, then the rule is NOT talking about the actual dice roll result but about the integer on the chart itself.

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08-27-2024, 06:29 AM,
RE: Assault Combat dice roll of 2 or 3.
The Infantry Attacks assault chart is identical to the PG assault chart. There are some different column modifiers, but the chart itself is the same.

The categories being refereed to are combat units and transport. So, if a 2 is the result, 2 steps of combat units would be eliminated and 2 wagons (or trucks when they eventually appear).
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08-27-2024, 07:01 AM,
RE: Assault Combat dice roll of 2 or 3.
Oh! OK, folks!! I get it now!!


Thanks very much for clearing up my confusion! I don't know why it stumped me, but, you've clarified it for me!
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