As I was making graphics for the extension for the IDF, I noticed that the Israeli RCN unit has a movement of 3, not 4 like other recon infantry.
Should Israeli RCN have a movement of 4? Dr. Mike hasn't answered my query yet.
They were in Jeeps in 1967, and highly mobile, just like contemporary US scouts. So, I would say, yes.
Dismounted, my old scout platoon could reconnoiter a linear 600-800 meter transect in 15 minutes, on flat terrain. The speed when on foot will depend on the terrain to be covered on the TEC.
(07-31-2024, 06:37 AM)treadasaurusrex Wrote: Dismounted, my old scout platoon could reconnoiter a linear 600-800 meter transect in 15 minutes, on flat terrain.
How far could your young scout platoon reconnoiter?
Yes, RCN units should have 4 movement points.
Rules for recon units (Spotting, inherent leader) have been forgotten in PG Modern.
New edition will include them.