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Spotting enemy in a limited terrain hex from an elevated spotting hex
04-24-2024, 06:51 PM,
RE: Spotting enemy in a limited terrain hex from an elevated spotting hex
Quote:Agreed.  Lol  Cool   I tend to overcomplicate things whenever I can also.   I think this is how our thought process went also.   Then ...... we settled on "limiting terrain was limiting terrain" and moved on with the game.  I guess I rationalize any weirdness like this as a "foginess of war" issue and hope it all comes out in the end of a game when these things average out for both side.    Heck, if I wanted a stupid level of rules granularity, I'd be playing ASL instead of PzG.   Lol  Big Grin
I agree with Brad here. Sometime we try to put in SQUAD levels of granularity into a platoon level game. Having been an ASL player I can tell you I much prefer the simple response of "limiting terrain was limiting terrain" that Brad and I settled on. In the end PzG is the better for it and is still a rich game with plenty of simulation.  Cool
treadasaurusrex, PANISTA, Sonora And 3 others like this post
04-25-2024, 02:28 AM,
RE: Spotting enemy in a limited terrain hex from an elevated spotting hex
Engineers up!!

I need a 1-click-high tower ASAP!
joe_oppenheimer and ravensworth like this post
04-25-2024, 02:57 AM,
RE: Spotting enemy in a limited terrain hex from an elevated spotting hex
The issue with platoon level wargames or any large scale wargame is the “cookie cutter” approach to terrain and fields in particular, where all fields are treated equally regardless of the type of crop or the time of year.  City folk think wheat and corn are year round crops.

For vehicles, you should not have any issues spotting a vehicle in a wheat field, Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder could spot a stationary tank or medium sized gun in a wheat field, especially a platoon, battery or a company of vehicles, especially if you have a height advantage. 

Corn on the other hand is very tall depending on the time of year and should block LOS thru it but like wheat as soldiers and vehicles move thru it, they leave a trail as they compress or break the stalks and corn stalks do not bounce back like wheat or tall grass. 

Being higher up would help spot the tracks in the fields regardless of if a vehicle or infantry, especially large numbers of soldiers.

So how does that translate to wargames, well any stationary vehicle or medium sized gun in a wheat field should be spotted like open terrain, infantry limited terrain.  Corn blocks LOS regardless.  Both need to take into account the time of year, neither is limiting until the fall months right before the harvest.

ACav, treadasaurusrex, Tubac52 And 5 others like this post
“We're Americans, you know what that means? That means our forefathers were kicked out of every decent country in the world… We’re the underdog!”
04-25-2024, 04:14 AM,
RE: Spotting enemy in a limited terrain hex from an elevated spotting hex
Then we get into the infinitely mundane story about the "reality" versus the "playability" of the game/situation. While it IS preferable to have it (the game) as "real" as possible.... one must also realize that it is an utterly impossible thing to attain. So, one is left with the reality of having the "game" as playable as possible while also allowing for some creative thinking.

Finally, if you really ARE wanting to get into the reality of "the game", to the nenth degree... there ARE real wars going on in Gaza and the Ukraine... and probably a few less publicized ones here and there. (For those of you with illusions of grandure.) Personally, I prefer to keep my rather ancient posterior safe and push counters rather than Daisys... if you get my drift.  Angel

brad_newcomer, cjsiam, ACav And 2 others like this post
04-28-2024, 12:01 AM,
RE: Spotting enemy in a limited terrain hex from an elevated spotting hex
(04-25-2024, 04:14 AM)Grognard Gunny Wrote:  there ARE real wars going on in Gaza and the Ukraine...

Mr. Gunny, perhaps you have misspoken? May I see your papers please?

[Image: Russian_police_RIA_McC3pcX.width-800.jpg]
treadasaurusrex and Tubac52 like this post
...came for the cardboard, stayed for the camaraderie...
04-28-2024, 02:11 AM,
RE: Spotting enemy in a limited terrain hex from an elevated spotting hex
Don't carry any! (But my retirement pay DOES help!)


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