Played Arbuthnot's Folly
Black Prince, Duke of Edinburgh, Defence, and Warrior. All ACs. Versus five German CLs with 30(!!!) DDs. Setup is point blank range and the KM ships are all faster so there’s no escape.
Played without referred pain so a hit on something that’s not there is just a miss. This makes DDs sooooo hard to hit. The CLs did their worst to the RN, but to not much avail. The RN messed up three of the CLs, two with torpedo mount hits but the real threat was the DDs.
They came in two waves and dispatched two of the ACs in one wave and the other two in the second wave. Last one down was Defence which took 6 torpedoes! 12 hull hits but she only started with five boxes so that was an instant sink.
Lost two S49 boats but that’s off light, along with the CL damage but none of them were badly damaged.
Fun scenario and all the cool changes in the mod. All damage recorded on the counters not a glance at the SDS. Played smooth and fast.
The Jutland mod is going slow. We’re really throwing a lot into this one. You’ll want to give this a try. Oh. And we have a North Sea 1914 and Dogger Bank 1915 extension ready to go as well (same additional ships for the most part with two sets of scenarios).
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