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Help needed with Vassal and the Vassal Academy
03-21-2024, 05:06 AM,
Help needed with Vassal and the Vassal Academy
I am not new to PG, but relatively new to PG-HQ, and VERY new to the whole Vassal tool.    I keep reading about the Academy here in PG-HQ but cannot figure out where to access it, or how to get started with it.    I found a forum post in another area about how to set up the Vassal modules including the PG Uber module.   Haven't done that yet as I have been trying to figure out this whole PG Vassal Academy and how it works.    Any help and advice is greatly appreciated at this stage.
Tankodactyl, cochise75, Tambu And 6 others like this post
03-21-2024, 05:42 AM,
RE: Help needed with Vassal and the Vassal Academy
Not sure, but I think that the Vassal Academy Program may have been officially ended as a PG-HQ activity.

I am happy to help & perhaps serve as a mentor, but I defer to resident experts like: plloyd1010 (Peter Lloyd), schoenwulf (Bob Piepho) and cjsiam (Craig Johnson) who are far more experienced than I with Vassal Platform installation and use, as well as the Fan-based Uber 4.2 Module that is required to play the game online.
ACav, Tubac52, CavDo And 13 others like this post

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