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SWWAS Java Sea Vassal Module
02-17-2024, 11:52 AM,
SWWAS Java Sea Vassal Module
The day of the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japanese forces struck all across the Pacific in every direction in a well timed plan to secure needed war resources and defensive barriers to the Allied onslaught that had to follow the attack. Java Seas highlights the audacious push south to the Phillipens and Indonesia down to New Guinea.

A very finely tuned and precisely weighted Jpanese force strikes south through various layers of Allied defences from England, the US, The Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand trying to keep the resources away from Japan.

War at Sea - Fleet Command is happy to announce our VASSAL module for Avalanche Press' Java Sea

To get your copy, you will need to confirm that you have purchased the hard copy from APL. Reciept or a snap shot of the scenario book will do fine.

Contact me at hazencroftmatt -at- with your proof of purchase and I will send you the link to the download.
OldPueblo, CavDo, sagunto And 9 others like this post

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User Experience begins with You...
Always looking for people to play PzGdr, Napoleonic Games, and Great War at Sea
(the Vassal for GWAS Mediterranean specifically).
02-17-2024, 11:16 PM,
RE: SWWAS Java Sea Vassal Module
(02-17-2024, 11:52 AM)goosebrown Wrote: The day of the attack on Pearl Harbor...

Just put up a video showing how to use the plotting tools. Not much fun but saves a lot of time when you have to plot out the whole game for some fleets like bombardment missions
PANISTA, Sonora, Tankodactyl And 8 others like this post

User Experience begins with You...
Always looking for people to play PzGdr, Napoleonic Games, and Great War at Sea
(the Vassal for GWAS Mediterranean specifically).

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