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Message from Beyond the Veil . . .
11-01-2023, 09:27 AM,
Message from Beyond the Veil . . .
Hello, all . . . and Halloween Night 13 years after I left Avalanche seems as good a time as any to rise from the dead. 

Just took a nice stroll through through the site, read a bunch of AARs, appreciated how all those games and scenarios I developed have held up (or not) over the years, and enjoyed the fact that PG-HQ is drawing new recruits to this day.

I've been away from board wargaming ever since my gaming group discovered Steam during the pandemic -- but the smell of ancient cardboard will undoubtedly lure me (and hopefully them) back sometime. Will post an AAR when that happens.

Thanks to Shad and plloyd1010 for keeping the HQ going. Cheers!

-- Doug McNair
CavDo, JayTownsend, waynebaumber And 4 others like this post
11-01-2023, 11:43 AM,
RE: Message from Beyond the Veil . . .
I've occasionally wondered what had become of you. Nice to hear you are on this side of the dirt.

Are you referring to Steam as the tabletop simulator? Dr. Mike has allowed PG, GWaS and 2ndWWaS to step into the virtual realm too.
... More and more, people around the world are coming to realize that the world is flat! Winking
11-01-2023, 12:31 PM,
RE: Message from Beyond the Veil . . .
(11-01-2023, 11:43 AM)plloyd1010 Wrote: Doug,
I've occasionally wondered what had become of you. Nice to hear you are on this side of the dirt.

Are you referring to Steam as the tabletop simulator? Dr. Mike has allowed PG, GWaS and 2ndWWaS to step into the virtual realm too.

Thanks. I've tried to get my group into hex-and-counter wargaming on Tabletop Simulator, but interest hasn't lasted long -- they're more into games like Civ 6, Terraforming Mars, and Gloomhaven. Will see if I can get any of them into PG on VASSAL at some point.
cjsiam likes this post
11-03-2023, 03:10 PM,
RE: Message from Beyond the Veil . . .

        Long time no chat...  Last time we played was the scenario for War on the Equator over a decade ago.  That was a very enjoyable game, and I read your AAR on it several times.  
         Hope all is well with you.  Finally about to retire.  Last job was as Professor of Military Science, UC Berkeley, Army ROTC program.  What have you been up to?

Mike Volpe

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