07-31-2023, 11:12 AM,
Tony M
Posts: 62
Threads: 10
Joined: Feb 2013
Question re activation
While rearranging shelves in my attic I noticed that I have the original PG as well as Eastern Front. I played both years ago and was intrigued by the system. But RL intervened. I'm retired now, and decided to give PG a try again.
I'm currently solo playing Scenario #61, "Odessa: Hill 101," from Eastern Front. Being an infantry-only scenario it seems simple enough. But I may be over-thinking the activation rules.
If all of my Romanian units begin in side-by-side stacks, and each stack has a leader, can every stack take an action one after the other, with each leader activating his own stack and the stack next to him? If so, that means all of the Romanians can close with the Soviet line during the first action phase of Turn 1, before the Soviets are able to do anything but take opportunity fire.
I don't play wargames much anymore, but a couple years ago I had a pleasant email exchange with Dr. Bennighof re Black Panthers. If I ever begin buying wargames again, I will have to buy Eisenborn Ridge and Black Panthers.
07-31-2023, 12:36 PM,
G2 Officer
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RE: Question re activation
Firstly, I think the Romanians are seriously screwed in this one. That said, to the important stuff.
(07-31-2023, 11:12 AM)Tony M Wrote: If all of my Romanian units begin in side-by-side stacks, and each stack has a leader, can every stack take an action one after the other, with each leader activating his own stack and the stack next to him? If so, that means all of the Romanians can close with the Soviet line during the first action phase of Turn 1, before the Soviets are able to do anything but take opportunity fire. Working through the concept incrementally, only the units and leaders in one hex may activate at the outset. If there is a leader activating, they may activate the units in their hex and in any adjacent hexes, and may activate leaders of subordinate ranks in those hexes. Those leaders may then activate units and subordinate leaders in their hexes and adjacent hexes. So if your maior has the captain in adjacent hex, then locotenents on either side, and the plutonier on one end, you could activate a line 7 hexes long (plus other hexes adjacent to most of the line).
Now since the objective is hill control, I see a hedgehog around that hill, which the Romanians are unlikely to break.
(07-31-2023, 11:12 AM)Tony M Wrote: I don't play wargames much anymore, but a couple years ago I had a pleasant email exchange with Dr. Bennighof re Black Panthers. If I ever begin buying wargames again, I will have to buy Eisenborn Ridge and Black Panthers. Elsenborn Ridge is almost a must. It is probably the best started game in the series. With Black Panthers, consider the social statement that it brings. I don't disagree with the social posture of the book, and the story should be told, just keep in mind what you would be getting. BtW: The scenarios are pretty good. Most of the book's articles can be found on the APL website.
If there a few to no live opponents around, consider Vassal play.
... More and more, people around the world are coming to realize that the world is flat!
08-02-2023, 08:44 AM,
(This post was last modified: 08-02-2023, 09:01 AM by Tony M.)
Tony M
Posts: 62
Threads: 10
Joined: Feb 2013
RE: Question re activation
I'll just say that my frustration with (so many of) the people who play wargames and (so many of) the companies that publish wargames has been growing for a *very* long time. Read the second paragraph of Doc B's article "Dishonor Before Death: Those Black SS Pieces." There was a similar article in S&T way back in the mid-1970s.
A few years ago I wrote about my frustration a lot on CSW and BGG, and as expected, received a lot of blowback, some of it pretty hostile. Whatever. I have not visited CSW since mid-2020. I spent 5 decades in this hobby smiling and "going along to get along," and I've just had it. I don't feel like repeating here the things I wrote on those other forums. I don't want to get into any arguments with anybody about anything. I am not here to try to change anybody's mind about anything. I'm too old and too tired to care.
But thanks to that darned Doc B, I now have to tell my wonderful wife, "Sweetie, I know I told you in 2018 that I was not going to buy any more of these stupid games, but there's this one company that has published a game on an African-American US Army unit during World War II, and also a game on a Nisei unit during World War II... Could I spend a couple hundred dollars to buy these games?"
Seriously, guys, how could *anyone* who claims to be interested in wargaming and military history NOT want to command such brave bad***ed American troops? I don't mind commanding German or Soviet troops on a game map, but the Black Panthers? The 442nd RCT? Sign me up, dude. As Randy "The Macho Man" Savage used to say, "Oooohhh yeah!!!!"