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Direct Fire Column Shift
07-24-2023, 11:51 AM,
Direct Fire Column Shift
I’m doing direct fire with only 3 fire power into a woods hex. The three fp puts me in the 2 column on the direct fire table and due to the woods I’m supposed to shift 2 columns left. Does that mean it’s an automatic miss or do I roll my direct fire on the 1 column?

07-24-2023, 12:27 PM,
RE: Direct Fire Column Shift
Roll on the 1
Tubac52, OldPueblo, Tambu And 9 others like this post
07-24-2023, 12:28 PM,
RE: Direct Fire Column Shift
Rule 7.51: ..., but no attack on any table is ever reduced below the lowest column on the table.

You fire on the 1 column.
sagunto, cjsiam, PANISTA And 8 others like this post
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08-04-2023, 01:24 PM,
RE: Direct Fire Column Shift
What REALLY irks me is when you have a good attack going and it scores nothing and when the defender fires back (in his activation), on that low probability results column, you end up with your whole force disrupted (or worse). Drives me to DRINK!

cjsiam likes this post
08-04-2023, 10:33 PM,
RE: Direct Fire Column Shift
Been there, got the T-shirt. So has Craig. I think that was last week, and the week before, and ...
Tubac52, Tambu, Tankodactyl And 7 others like this post
... More and more, people around the world are coming to realize that the world is flat! Winking
08-05-2023, 07:41 PM,
RE: Direct Fire Column Shift can be going really bad----effective "combat 7s" on all my arty.....
and then
I have an attack which rolls boxcars.....just when I could really use it....

So the game can surprise you----
I have made it a policy to try and make sure EVERY shot is taken....important things first
but even a 1factor can disrupt a unit and slow down an offensive...

Playing with FOW (with Demoralization addenda) forces you to prioritize....But, I try never to miss taking a shot...
I learned from Peter.....
08-05-2023, 10:55 PM,
RE: Direct Fire Column Shift
Oh yeah, I learned very early that you take every available shot.... Ya NEVER know! (But I still drink a  lot  Angel )

Miguelibal, Tankodactyl, sagunto And 9 others like this post

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