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Eastern Fleet VASSAL Module now available
07-18-2023, 12:54 PM,
Eastern Fleet VASSAL Module now available
We are happy to announce that our fifth VASSAL module for SWWAS, Eastern Fleet, is now available for download to owners of the hard copy of the game. 
  • Play opponents anywhere in the world. Maybe people you've never met. Swap log files and play by email or face to face on the VASSAL server.

  • Don't worry about leaving your game on the dining room table for a week and the cat landing on it in cat-ma-geddon. Save and play for a hundred nights if you like.

  • Zoom in on pieces so you can read them if you have bad eyes like me

  • Use some nifty play aids to make record keeping easier than real life

Most of all, you paid for these games, come and get the most out of them that you can.

To get the module, contact me at hazencroftmatt@gmail dot you know what. Put EASTERN FLEET ACCESS in your subject line. 

These modules are only available to owners of the latest editions of the games so let me know you have the latest Eastern Fleet and I will shoot you out the link.
sagunto, CavDo, chaco And 4 others like this post

User Experience begins with You...
Always looking for people to play PzGdr, Napoleonic Games, and Great War at Sea
(the Vassal for GWAS Mediterranean specifically).

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