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Beat a dead horse....
03-29-2023, 07:10 AM,
Beat a dead horse....
I was perusing the tattered rulebook for yet another comprehensive reading (Why? Because I tend to forget rules from time to time.) and I noticed this in my readings: "This rules set updates, clarifies, and supersedes all previous rules." Furthermore, "A number of rules concerning play and terrain previously published only in games as special rules are standardized here. IF THERE IS A CONFLICT BETWEEN THESE RULES AND THOSE FOUND IN PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED GAMES, THESE RULES TAKEĀ  PRECEDENCE." (Caps mine.)

All of this is in Paragraph 3 of the Introduction (1.0). That should take care of any questions on the matter. (....and be a relief to the newbies as to which ruleset is "the best".)

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