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Flip Card or Game Reminders
03-22-2023, 12:59 PM, (This post was last modified: 03-22-2023, 01:00 PM by Juiceman.)
Flip Card or Game Reminders
Attached is what I call a Flip Card or Game Reminders, I used it to help me learn the rules without having to go through the rule book every time I had a question, needed a clarification or a reminder of a rule.  Some might find it helpful, it is a word document so you can edit it or expand on it.  Am an old football coach so keeping it simple and to one page, front & back, was a must, maybe it can help a new player.  If you see any errors or have any suggestions let me know.

My first PG game was the Kokoda Campaign, hence the disorientation chart on the front.

.docx   Panzer Grenadier Flip Card.docx (Size: 25.85 KB / Downloads: 42)
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03-22-2023, 02:32 PM,
RE: Flip Card or Game Reminders

Nicely done!
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