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Who's battling who?
01-20-2023, 06:14 AM, (This post was last modified: 01-20-2023, 06:14 AM by Shad.)
Who's battling who?
Now that we've passed 1000 recorded Vassal plays, I'm working on a data analysis article. Today I crunched some numbers and created this Chord Diagram for all of you who have logged Shared Plays via Vassal on the site. Treadasaurusrex is the name cut off at the bottom. The chart isn't 100% readable, but you can get a feel for the gaming relationships which I think is pretty neat! Wider paths == more plays.

cjsiam, sagunto, treadasaurusrex And 3 others like this post
...came for the cardboard, stayed for the camaraderie...
01-20-2023, 06:38 AM,
RE: Who's battling who?
Thanks Shad,

 Hmm, the view from the bottom of this historic diagram is great, thanks primarily to a growing bunch of skilled, willing and gracious opponents! 

 It looks like we all would benefit from more individuals playing in shared mode, que no?

 Here's to additional PG players taking the plunge into the bracing waters of online VASSAL shared play during 2023!

Happy trails,

OldPueblo, Tubac52, Tambu And 9 others like this post
01-20-2023, 06:44 AM,
RE: Who's battling who?
All roads lead to Tread! Winking
sagunto, Miguelibal, Sonora And 9 others like this post
...came for the cardboard, stayed for the camaraderie...
01-21-2023, 05:01 AM,
RE: Who's battling who?
(01-20-2023, 06:44 AM)Shad Wrote: All roads lead to Tread! Winking

Pro tip... he's allergic to ATGs
treadasaurusrex, Reconquista, OldPueblo And 7 others like this post

User Experience begins with You...
Always looking for people to play PzGdr, Napoleonic Games, and Great War at Sea
(the Vassal for GWAS Mediterranean specifically).
01-21-2023, 12:31 PM,
RE: Who's battling who?
And he loves the Bufla....
treadasaurusrex, Tambu, Tankodactyl And 6 others like this post

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