I made a cursory look-through this sub-forum, but didn't see anything similar. So, enclosed is a very simple scenario record table (by turn) in pdf format to keep track of various game turn stats/events that might be useful in writing subsequent AARs. Essentially, this allows one to keep track of:
- Side Initiative (useful both for the Initiative Determination Phase or IDP), but also for documenting initiative losses which are sometimes factors in determining Battle Game outcomes.
- # of segments of initiative won and by which side.
- Step losses by each side.
- Running totals of VPs (so that one can keep track of running step losses and/or positional VPs).
- Other turn notes (e.g. FoW rolls; aircraft drawn; reinforcements; weather whatever).
Really, the idea was to have a tidy way to review the scenario play after the fact to aid one in writing AARs. For an example of how I did this a number of years ago now, see my AAR for St. Vith: the Fall (ER #22) where, for example (turn; IDP; German VP; US VP; Comments).
10 US+1 15 47 Tigers bushwacked by M18.
11 G+2 21 48 Slush; initiative bad news for M18 crews; vis 1 hex.
12 G+1 21 48 Night rules in play.
13 US+1 24 48
14 G+1 27 49 Board 23 now clear of US units
Keeping this in Excel would also be easy, especially for folks playing on Vassal or by Zoom or such, but I'm so old-school that having a pencil-and-paper record is comforting. So, FWIW:
ScenarioRecordSheet.pdf (Size: 549.1 KB / Downloads: 52)