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The U.S. 1st Cavalry Division is uploaded
12-09-2020, 02:39 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-19-2020, 01:56 AM by plloyd1010.)
The U.S. 1st Cavalry Division is uploaded
General Herr should be happy now, as the Last Horse Soldier is now playable. I took quite a few liberties with this one in the name of realism and expansion. The full division is supported in its 1941 organization. Cavalry machine-gun units must now dismount to use their firepower. Regular cavalry have a shorter range while mounted, I also thought about giving them a DF of 5 while dismounted. Hopefully I have not messed up the scenario balances too much.

United States 1st Cavalry Division Notes
The Last Horse Soldier, from October 2015, had a limit of 24 counters. That constrained possibilities and sacrificed some elemental realism of cavalry in the World War Two era. Vassal has no such limits. Thus I have expanded the possibilities and the counter selection.

Mounting and Dismounting
Cavalry and Cavalry machine-guns may dismount and remount. Dismounting and remounting are accomplished by pressing Shift+R. Indeed Cavalry machine-guns and heavy machine-guns must dismount in order to use the combat power of the machine-guns, (machine-guns do not work well from the saddle).

A U.S. cavalry division of the time was allotted 3 artillery battalions, 2 horsed with 75mm howitzers (probably the 75mm M1916) and 1 motorized with 105mm howitzers. Each battalion would have 3 firing batteries, an anti-battery and an anti-aircraft battery.

M1 Combat Cars and M3 Light Tanks
A U.S. cavalry division had a tank company in its reconnaissance squadron. The M1 Combat Car was originally developed for the cavalry. It is a light tank in everything but name, because branch rivalry the infantry has tanks, thus it is a "combat car". By 1941, the M1 was to be replaced with the M3 light tank. In function this might not have happened as M3 tanks were being used to fill out armored formations and being sent to the United Kingdom and Soviet Union.

This is the M3 Scout Car used in a transport role. They were used for towing anti-tank guns in the divisional anti-tank troop and in the regimental weapons troop.

The engineer battalion of a U.S. cavalry division is a motorized formation. The battalion consists of 2 companies of 3 platoons, carried in trucks.
... More and more, people around the world are coming to realize that the world is flat! Winking
12-10-2020, 07:39 AM,
RE: The U.S. 1st Cavalry Division is uploaded
Created and uploaded an extraterrestrial invaders extension. It only has martian war machines  so far. Now go save Grovers Mill or something.
... More and more, people around the world are coming to realize that the world is flat! Winking
12-13-2020, 11:21 AM, (This post was last modified: 12-19-2020, 01:46 AM by plloyd1010.)
The Finnish Panzer Division is uploaded
The Finns cal it “Marskin Nyrkki”.
... More and more, people around the world are coming to realize that the world is flat! Winking
12-19-2020, 01:43 AM,
De Gaulle Division is uploaded
You guys really should read the notes:
4[sup]e[/sup] Division Cuirassée de Réserve notes

French armored divisions were tank heavy formations. Nominally there were 4 tank battalions to 1 infantry battalion and 2 artillery groups (battalions). The 4th DCr was a massive unit and nearly as unbalanced. The 4th DCr eventually accumulated the equivalent of 9 tank battalions, 6 infantry battalions and 3 of artillery.

4e Division Cuirassée de Réserve
    ├ 6e Lourde de Chars
    │    ├ 46e Bataillon de Chars de Combat (B1bis)
    │    ├ 47e Bataillon de Chars de Combat (B1bis)
    │    ├ 19e Bataillon de Chars de Combat (D2)
    │    ├ 345e Compagnie Autonome de Chars de Combat
    │    ├ 346e Compagnie Autonome de Chars de Combat
    │    └ 350e Compagnie Autonome de Chars de Combat
    ├ 8e Légère de Chars
    │    ├ 2e Bataillon de Chars de Combat (R35)
    │    ├ 24e Bataillon de Chars de Combat (R35)
    │    └ 44e Bataillon de Chars de Combat (R35)
    ╞ 3e Cuirassiers (one battalion each of S35 & H39 tanks)
    ╞ 10e Cuirassiers (Panhard 178)
    ├ 4e Bataillon de Chasseurs Portés (motorized)
    ├ 22e Régiment d'Infanterie Coloniale
    ╞ 7e Régiment de Dragons Portés (2 battalions of mechanized infantry)
    ├ 134/1re Compagnie de Sapeurs Mineurs Portés
    ├ 322e Régiment d'Artillerie Tractée Tous Terrains (2 groups of mechanized artillery)
    │   └ 10/332e (mechanized antiaircrft company)
    ├ 305e Régiment d'Artillerie Tractée Tous Terrains (1 group of mechanized artillery)
    ├ 11/80e (mechanized anti-tank company)
    ├ 10/86e (mechanized anti-tank company)
    ├ 661e Compagnie Défence Anti Char (mechanized anti-tank company)
    ├ 665e Compagnie Défence Anti Char (mechanized anti-tank company)
    ├ 669e Compagnie Défence Anti Char (mechanized anti-tank company)
    ├ 51/110e (motorized anti-tank company)
    ├ 1020/404e Bie Défence Contre Aéronefs (motorized antiaircrft company)
    └ 41e Force Aérienne (Po.63 aircraft)
The 3e and 10e Cuirassiers, and 7e Régiment de Dragons are not organic to the division.

The 305e Régiment d'Artillerie Tractée Tous Terrains was originally part of the 1re Division Cuirassée de Réserve.

Standard French Infantry
4e Bataillon de Chasseurs Portés is probably the source of the regular infantry counters appearing in scenario 25, as they are organic to the division and were available on May 18th.

Reservist  French Infantry
22e Régiment d'Infanterie Coloniale is made up of European colonists, presumably returning to France to fight in the war. I suspect that they are represented by the reservists in scenario 41.

This a cavalry vehicle, thus not normally part of an armored division. It has been included in the divisional OOB as it appears in scenario and only the 4th DCR is listed in the formation list. The 3e and 10e Cuirassiers, and 7e Régiment de Dragons were present it the larger battle. As they all are eventually attached to the 4e Division Cuirassée, the AMR33 units may be coming from the 3e Cuirassiers.
... More and more, people around the world are coming to realize that the world is flat! Winking

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