Me and Mikko did go through the academy and trained the others. I aid in planning and play on German side, while also providing adminstrative functions like mod development and file (Vassal, map graphics, unit roster etc.) creating and hosting. Mikko is in overall command of the Allied, with Johannes and RSiren helping - or at least participating

- in planning.
I think the first day and night took 30-40 hours of tactical resolution, i.e. Vassal playing. There was a total of 18 sessions, as we played either early or late in the evening, sometimes managing only one round. We could not always use voice comms, but Vassal chat only play was manageable, if a bit slower. The playing ratios were approx. 80/20 me/Niinivaara and 50/50 Mikko/Johannes. A couple of times the other members were watching, either in Vassal or via Discord stream. Those times there was the usual amount of "encouragement" and trash talk. Regarding self-study, there are logs of some sessions, but I do not know if they would of use.
The home-made extension I
asked and received advice for proved invaluable from the start, as there were five attacking battalions and three defending battalions. Without formation colors, telling the units apart would have been a nightmare, and it is nice to refer to "red mountain lieutenant" and "green Polish battalion".
I do not much want to spoil Niinivaara's upcoming post, but the Poles led the attack in daylight, in the mountains, through the minefields. And part of them were also activated at night, by "friendly" artillery and Gebirgstruppen counterattack. Allied command has no pity: on the second day, what is left of them are to attack again in the mountains, though now in the second wave. So Wojtek is about to have another serving of Grüne Teufel mit Edelweiss.