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Panzer Grendier to Panzer Grenadier (Modern)
Panzer Grendier to
Panzer Grenadier (Modern)
By John Stafford
July 2017
Ed. Note: With our new Panzer Grenadier (Modern) series set to return very soon with 1967: Sword of Israel, here's a comparison of the series rulebook with that of its World War II sister series:
Introduction: Updated for new rules. Expanded definitions include new units and capabilities including fast mover aircraft (attack or forward air controllers), helicopters, anti-aircraft weapons (guns and missiles), anti-tank guided missiles, expanded efficiency, amphibious units, and clarification of many others.
Components: Updated for new rules. Scale moved to the rules summary.
Sequence of Play: Very few changes. Clarified anti-aircraft sequence and units that can move and fire in the same turn (efficiency). Eliminated tank leaders, so only naval units and fast movers have innate leaders; regular leaders can activate all personnel, AFV, and helicopter units. Explained in 6.0 Leaders. Formation Activation added; explains large scale (company/battalion) activations.
Stacking: Reduced to 2 combat units + 2 transports normally, but unlimited overstack possible inadvertently with +1 column shifts for each extra unit due to increased target density; only two units can fire out of overstacked hex. There is also some clarification of leaders and stacking. Players may not examine enemy unit stacks except in specific circumstances; i.e., adjacent.
Movement: Air and naval movement added and explained. Format revamped with an expanded section discussing terrain effects; explains tracks, rivers, bridging equipment, all water hexes, gullies, wadis, anti-tank ditches, barbed wire, and dragon’s teeth. Also, helicopter and fast mover movement is detailed, and weather effects are discussed, but most rules remain intact. Some efficient units can move and fire or fire and move, the firing coming with a -1 column shift penalty.
Leaders: Leaders activate all personnel, AFV and helicopter units, but not naval or fast mover units which have inherent leaders (no more tank leaders). Leader combat modifiers can now apply to bombardment fire. Only the highest ranking leader in a vehicle exercises its morale/combat effects—the others are “passengers”. Kommisars are now Zampolits but the rules are the same. Leader casualties have been clarified; for example, what happens when a two-step vehicle with a leader takes a step loss (make normal two dice roll for loss). Decapitation is tweaked a bit, resulting probably in all subordinate leaders being marked MOVED/FIRED, with possible carryover to the next turn and an initiative reduction.
Combat: Anti-aircraft fire is added. These values are located on the counter where DF and BF values are now. There are now no limits on column modifiers for DF, BF, AA, AT, or Assault, just the chart limits. Opportunity fire is when AA units can fire at fast movers. Most units have increased firepower relative to WW2 units.
Spotting: Fast mover forward air controllers (FAC) can spot. Dawn/dusk effects on spotting range are set. Counterbattery spotting for efficient units is explained. Vision enhancements like infrared and spotlights are explained.
Bombardment: Friendly fire is changed; no separate die roll on chart for column; use normal attack roll but receive a -1 column shift. Efficient artillery are better shots. Artillery smoke and illumination rounds are explained, as well as large warhead bombardment (surface-to-surface missile or aircraft bomb), and anti-armor rounds.
Direct Fire: Efficient personnel can move 1 hex and fire with -1.
Anti-Tank (“AT”) Fire: Most personnel units have AT weapons now with 1- or 2-hex ranges. New units include AT guided missiles, with long ranges but negative modifiers for range due to firer vulnerabilities.
Assault: The 2-hex assault by cavalry is now used by APCs with efficient infantry to conduct “extended assault”. Helicopters with efficient infantry can do this from 4 hexes away. Defenders against extended assault get first fire. The assault chart is reformatted to use two dice. Helicopters and naval units can be assaulted.
Anti-Aircraft Fire: Everything not covered elsewhere is covered here. Gun AA units can fire as DF, but missiles can only fire AA.
Opportunity Fire: New numbering. Small tube mortars (move when deployed) can now opportunity fire.
Morale: New numbering. Surrender rules added to this section; otherwise, unchanged but a few clarifications.
Special Unit Types: Eliminated; all info incorporated in appropriate sections.
Special Rules: All optional rules eliminated and included either in the appropriate section or listed here.
Airdrop: PG had several different airdrop rules in the game supplements; they are standardized now in these rules, with scattering and morale checks for drops.
Consolidation: No change.
Entrenchments: No change.
Excess Initiative: Players can now use excess initiative to get one more activation when Fog of War end of turn is rolled.
Fog of War: should be used in all games. Fog of war low die rolls can result in supply shortages; see 16.10.
Hidden Units: No change in rules; plan to see more hidden units in games.
Jamming: Introduces new rules that affect activation and leaders spotting for bombardment.
Logistics and Supply: Introduces new rules that cover supply shortfalls through low rolls on the Fog of War roll. Primary effects are reduced mobility and firepower, and if severe, removal of units.
Minefields: Rule added that allows artillery bombardment to clear a minefield.
Multi-Player Rules: No change.
NBC Operations: Introduces new rules that cover initial shock of use (+1 or +2 column shift for bombardment attacks, and later degradation of units operating in NBC gear (-1 to all combat and Morale). It also adds a victory condition adjustment (minimum minor victory for target of NBC).
Terrain Effects: Introduces new rules that cover caves, disorienting terrain, and vehicle mire (rocks or soft ground that strands vehicles).
Vehicle Smoke: Similar to smoke artillery but caused by AFVs.
Wrecks: No change
Terrain Effects Chart (TEC): In an effort to cover all types of terrain players can encounter, the TEC was vastly expanded so you won’t have to flip back and forth in various supplements to read about the terrain rules. On the back is all the assorted extra information regarding special situations as well.
Anti-Tank Fire Chart: The same chart; modifiers are expanded, but the old ones are still there.
Assault Chart: New chart formatted for two dice; modifiers are expanded, but most of the old ones are still there.
Bombardment Fire Chart: The same chart; modifiers are expanded, but the old ones are still there.
Direct Fire and Anti-Aircraft Fire Chart: The same chart is used for both, though each has its own modifiers. Modifiers are expanded, but the old ones are still there.
Don’t wait to put 1967: Sword of Israel on your game table! Join the Gold Club and find out how to get it before anyone else!