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Laser Counters - Printable Version

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Laser Counters - JayTownsend - 02-22-2013

Laser Counters

I think the laser counters mix perfectly with the other counters in the PG series and I actually like them best, as they are nice and thick. The counters before the laser counters were a mix batch of thick, thin, glossy, mat and so on. With laser counters they are pretty consistent now that the burn mark issue is resolved.

How to treat laser counters to best add to your collection of existing PG counters:

• First wipe them down with a rag to clean most of the black laser burn material.

• Then very lightly clip the corners with something like a toe-nail clipper to both match the existing PG counters and to remove the sharp corners. Some gamers may disagree but I am a counter corner clipper.

• Then zip lock bag them or store them however you normally would according to your storage method, or better yet, get a game in with them.

• Wash your hands to remove the remaining black material. After all that counter handling you shouldn’t have anymore problems with dirty hands for the rest of your ownership with your new counters!

RE: Laser Counters - Hugmenot - 02-22-2013

Keep in mind the consistency of the laser counters may be more the result of using a single provider (VPG) than anything else.

I like their feel better than die-cut counters. The counters have all looked great after VPG replaced their defective laser head and mastered the manufacturing process. Hopefully they will master map printing very soon and based upon their own products, I would say that day is near.

RE: Laser Counters - Matt W - 02-22-2013

I, too, prefer the laser cut counters. As I have said previously they feel and act more like tiles than counters. I realize that this is all perceptual but I have the feeling that the die cut counters could be folded whereas the laser cut counters feel like they would break if you tried, more like a piece of wood. The use of the laser seems to "seal" the edge in a way that die cutting cannot. Time will tell if the edge holds up but so far so good, and I have a BUNCH of them now.

RE: Laser Counters - Dean_P - 02-24-2013

Agreed! I was fortunate with P-L in that the counters were great. I know some others had a different experience with the amount of soot/scorching on them. The 'heft' to them is very comfortable! The only downside is that they're not the same thickness as the other games (if that's really a downside). In making buying decisions, the laser cut counters is a "pro" column addition, not a "con" column...

I also have VPGs In Magnificient Style and love how the counters feel!

That said, I'd NEVER clip the corners. Not only is it not needed, the "raw" counter material next to the seared edges produced by the laser would be distracting.

RE: Laser Counters - JayTownsend - 02-24-2013

Dean, it is a sin not to clip your counters! Smile

RE: Laser Counters - Hugmenot - 02-24-2013

I have lived a life of sins so I should stop clipping mine.

RE: Laser Counters - JayTownsend - 02-24-2013

Me too, just one less! Smile