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Division Specific counters, good or bad? - Printable Version

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Division Specific counters, good or bad? - larry marak - 09-22-2012

Currently we are seeing a lot of division specific counters in PG supplements. They sure look cool, but is this really a good idea? PG is designed to be infinitely expandable by using type specific counters to create scenarios for many historical situations. Putting divisional insignia makes the counters less generic. Do you think this is the wrong road to take?

RE: Division Specific counters, good or bad? - plloyd1010 - 09-22-2012

As someone who got all the divisional downloads, except for Lehr, I think they add character, but not much else. Divisional counter sheets would probably be too expensive to interest me. Downloads are useful. The complete divisions take up a lot of space on my shelf, so I would usually make partial divisions should they come.

RE: Division Specific counters, good or bad? - Matt W - 09-22-2012

If they come, as Lehr did, with scenarios I like them. They are the perfect wayt o put together the campaigns as well. If they are just downloads I find them less useful, although fun. They become a frill.

RE: Division Specific counters, good or bad? - vince hughes - 09-22-2012

They are ok, but as boring as it may sound, it is best if they are made up of very active Divisions. Then, no matter which supplement or box set, they can probably get some use all over the place. 1st Pz Div & 12th Infantry Div. comes to mind as ones that are OK.

When Peter completes his library of Divisions etc, then we'll be able to see which Badge specific counters bring more value than others.

However, if Peter wants to make me a set of 9th Hohenstaufen Div counters, I'll be happy to take them and renumerate. They for example appear in Black SS, Beyond Normandy, North Wind and probably others in print and those on the way. Also the German 12th Infantry Division (later Volksgrenadier Division) 'The Wild Buffaloes' would be useful as well Pete. Please find the 36 hour day slots to fulfill these requests :-)

RE: Division Specific counters, good or bad? - Poor Yorek - 09-23-2012

(09-22-2012, 10:17 PM)Matt W Wrote: If they come, as Lehr did, with scenarios I like them. They are the perfect wayt o put together the campaigns as well. ... They become a frill.

I tend to concur with this although I don't quite agree with the pejorative use of "frill." Like all "accessories," some will find them enjoyable and worth their money, some will not. I'd like to see a Grossdeutschland set for use with the "Romanian Trilogy," for example. On the other hand, separate counter sets for the 1st, 2nd, 9th, 10th, and 12th SS would likely be overkill for any but the most ardent collector (and clipper!).

I'd much prefer, however, at this stage to see effort put into upgrading older maps to the current standard artwork than developing divisional counter sets (unless as part of a divisional supplement).

RE: Division Specific counters, good or bad? - Blackcloud6 - 09-23-2012

(09-22-2012, 02:26 AM)larry marak Wrote: Currently we are seeing a lot of division specific counters in PG supplements. They sure look cool, but is this really a good idea? PG is designed to be infinitely expandable by using type specific counters to create scenarios for many historical situations. Putting divisional insignia makes the counters less generic. Do you think this is the wrong road to take?

I don't mind them now and then. They do look cool. But I can see at some point they become overwhelming for storage. I have many of the download ones but have never made them into counters.

RE: Division Specific counters, good or bad? - Dean_P - 09-23-2012

(09-23-2012, 01:11 AM)Poor Yorek Wrote: I'd much prefer, however, at this stage to see effort put into upgrading older maps to the current standard artwork than developing divisional counter sets (unless as part of a divisional supplement).

I agree with this completely! I'd love to have updated maps!