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The chart section is getting big - Printable Version

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The chart section is getting big - plloyd1010 - 04-16-2021

Since PG Über is moving into the IA and Modern genres, should the charts remain a fixture of the base module?
  1. I can take them out altogether, we should have them all anyway.
  2. I can keep adding tabs, but that could get clumsy. It would mean 3 tabs, 5 if 3rd Ed PG and 1st Ed IA are included, with chart sub-tabs.
  3. I could take them out of the main module and make chart extensions. Players would activate and deactivate the charts as needed.
Whatever may be decided wouldn't be until the June or September update.

RE: The chart section is getting big - triangular_cube - 04-16-2021

I for one find the charts in the module to be a very handy quick reference. Being able to play without the sheets of paper everywhere is one of the big pluses of the system. 

I hope they are not removed. Separating the chart sets into a different extension sounds fine if there are getting to be too many of them.

RE: The chart section is getting big - TomMarshall - 04-24-2021

Absolutely agree with triangular_cube. I only just am learning the PG system and am practicing with the rules before I submit my 2 scenarios from Elsenborn Ridge.

But I have years of mostly PBEM experience (with a few live ASL VASL games) with VASSAL and VASL (ASLSK, Lock n Load, Holland 44, COIN series, among others). The charts within the module maybe one of my top 3 values of playing games by Vassal. I've played many games where I had to have paper copies of the charts next to my laptop and, really - what's the point? Kind of defeats the purpose, no?

I hope they are not removed. I have many PG titles (believe it or not I collected them over the years, but am only just now getting to play them) and I love the system. I'm really looking forward to playing many of the modules via Vassal against live opponents, and I know from my own non-PG Vassal experience that those charts within the module are a Godsend! And I've played Vassal modules that contain a lot  more charts than PG does (one of the reasons I love this system!).