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National Graveyards - Printable Version

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National Graveyards - plloyd1010 - 02-25-2021

The base module has national graveyard images (from appropriate war cemeteries) in a tab under the Gameplay markers (sort of like the Assault broads). The fundamental question, is it a feature worth leaving and expanding? How many of you even knew about them? How many of you know how to use them? How many of you even care?

RE: National Graveyards - triangular_cube - 02-25-2021

I cant say I have actually used the graveyard images in my solo plays. But I tend to use a pretty no frills set up. 

I do use the actual graveyard space though, and like thumbing through the casualty piles that accumulate there.

RE: National Graveyards - cjsiam - 02-25-2021

Having the Graveyards location to drop things is useful and frankly necessary (have to resurrect things once in a while due to discovered mistake...)

Having individual National images....not so much....I've never used it.